Senna could have been Brazilian president - Boutsen

"I have his helmet on my desk"


2 May 2019 - 12:53
Senna could have been Brazilian (…)

Former F1 driver Thierry Boutsen (pictured right) thinks Ayrton Senna (left) could have gone on to become president of Brazil.

This week, the worlds of Formula 1 and sport more generally are marking the 25th anniversary of the Brazilian legend’s death at Imola in 1994.

One of Senna’s best friends in the paddock was Boutsen.

"I have his helmet on my desk," the Belgian told the Sporza broadcaster.

"I see it every day and think about him every day. He was my friend and my son’s godfather. He was family," the 61-year-old said.

Boutsen says thinking about the Imola crash still causes him "a lot of pain".

"But I also remember the beautiful moments," he said. "We often went on holiday together and were inseparable. We also flew around the world for races or tests. He was my best friend."

And Boutsen also said Senna was simply the best.

"He was clever, fast and could win a grand prix with an inferior car. He just had something more than the others," he said. "The best.

"He always gave 100 per cent of himself in everything he did. In motor racing yes, but also in normal life. He still had many plans for the future."

One of those plans, Boutsen thinks, was politics.

"He was an idol for many people," he said. "He could easily have been president, he was that big. And his myth persists, because there is no second Senna and there will never be a second Senna."


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