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Wilks enjoys perfect Rally Argentina test

"The test road was exactly what we expect the special stages to be like"

By Franck Drui

18 March 2010 - 16:33
Wilks enjoys perfect Rally Argentina (…)

Guy Wilks hopes that a test close to the Rally Argentina base in Carlos Paz yesterday evening will give him the edge when the Intercontinental Rally Challenge counter gets underway on Friday afternoon.

Škoda UK Motorsport driver Wilks and navigator Phil Pugh completed eight runs over a 2.40-kilometre gravel course in both directions as they worked to finalise the set-up of their Fabia S2000.

Wilks said: “It was a very good test – just about as perfect as it could have been. The mechanics did a fantastic job to work through the schedule and make sure we were able to test everything we wanted to and finish before dark. The test road was exactly what we expect the special stages to be like, and we know exactly what settings we’re going to use on the rally.”


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