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Crews braced for rain on Rally Argentina

It will make for a very mixed surface

By Franck Drui

18 March 2010 - 11:50
Crews braced for rain on Rally Argentina

Heavy rain is set to add to the challenge facing crews on Rally Argentina this week.

Although ambient temperatures are forecast to remain above 20 degrees Centigrade during the Intercontinental Rally Challenge qualifier, frequent showers are expected, particularly overnight.

And Škoda UK Motorsport driver Guy Wilks says the weather could have a huge influence on the outcome of the rally, which gets underway with a superspecial stage through the streets of host town Carlos Paz tomorrow evening.

He said: “The weather can play a big part. It washes the road of the loose sand but can also wash rocks onto the surface, which will make for a very mixed surface and different levels of grip for the drivers. Unlike in Brazil, where the roads were pretty much all manmade, in Argentina you’ve got rugged and rough roads that have evolved over time and are not repaired as often. It’s going to be a very interesting rally.”

Paul Nagle, who will co-drive Kris Meeke’s Peugeot UK-backed 207, said he was also braced for rain, adding: “The heavens opened early on Wednesday morning and we expect more.”


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