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Oriola leads the Yokohama trophy

Positions on top are very close

By Franck Drui

5 April 2012 - 21:23
Oriola leads the Yokohama trophy

Pepe Oriola and Stefano D’Aste have dominated the Yokohama Trophy so far. In both the first events, at Monza and Valencia, Oriola and D’Aste shared wins, with the Spanish teen-ager victorious in Race 1 and the Italian in Race 2.

Oriola leads the trophy standings with 31 points, three more than D’Aste, thanks to the bonus points awarded by pole position and fastest laps.

However, positions on top are very close, with Norbert Michelisz and Franz Engstler lying third and fourth with gaps of four and six points respectively.

And more drivers have proved they can compete for the podium. WTCC rookies Alex MacDowall and Alberto Cerqui had no luck in Spain after they being at the front in Italy.

Just the opposite of what happened to Mehdi Bennani, who is warming up in view of his home event at Marrakech, and Darryl O’Young, whose car caught fire at Monza. They both managed to score solid points at Valencia.



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