Marko backs the cancellation of the Russian GP

"Sport is a way to present and distinguish yourself"


2 March 2022 - 10:36
Marko backs the cancellation of the (…)

Helmut Marko has backed the cancellation of the Russian GP, which follows the decisions taken by the FIA yesterday during the Motor Sport World Council extraordinary meeting.

"It was very clear from our drivers that they don’t want to drive in a country that has triggered such a war of aggression," he told RTL.

"It is actually unimaginable that something like this could happen. Then when you see the brutality with which they are proceeding and the threatening gestures, it’s all very, very frightening," Marko, 78, added.

The Austrian is now hoping widespread international sanctions, including cancellation of the Russian GP, will have an impact on forthcoming "peace talks".

"The positive side for me now is the cohesion within Europe," said Marko. "The fact that they are showing ’you cannot do this’.

"I can only fully understand all the sanctions and support them personally."

However, Marko also has some criticism of Europe, including the realisation that "we criminally neglected spending on the military".

"We all believed, in our war-free state, that we can rely on laws and regulations," he said.

Marko said axing Sochi is "the only right thing" to do.

"Sport is a way to present and distinguish yourself. It would only be counterproductive if we gave Russia the chance to position itself positively again to a worldwide audience with a grand prix," he added.

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