Perez defends Stroll and billionaire father

"Lance is a normal guy, a normal driver"


9 June 2019 - 16:45
Perez defends Stroll and billionaire (…)

Sergio Perez has defended teammate Lance Stroll and the Canadian driver’s billionaire father.

Last year, fashion mogul Lawrence Stroll bought the ailing Force India team, renamed it Racing Point for 2019 and installed his own son Lance as a race driver.

Stroll, 20, was this week criticised by fellow Canadian Alex Tagliani, also a racing driver, who said he is only in Formula 1 because of his father’s wealth.

Mexican Perez, Stroll’s teammate, defended the father and son.

"He (Lawrence) wants his son to be very successful, and that’s also good for me because he is providing all the resources he needs," Perez is quoted by DPA news agency.

"Lance is a normal guy, a normal driver, and he works very hard."

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