FIA and FIM team up on motor sport safety

And for the tracks’ safety

By Emmanuel Touzot

8 October 2019 - 18:41
FIA and FIM team up on motor sport (…)

The FIA is collaborating with the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme

(FIM) on a number of current and future safety projects.

The two governing bodies recently teamed up to develop a new paint standard for use on circuits, including track limits, kerbing and asphalt run-off areas.

The new standard defines a number of performance criteria for the paint, including friction properties and visibility under a variety of conditions. The result will ensure the paint used on circuits around the world performs consistently in both wet and dry conditions, reducing the potential for accidents due to a sudden loss of grip.

This is the first of a number of collaboration projects planned between the FIA and FIM, with the aim to work together on a range of research projects related to circuits and competitor safety devices.

FIA President Jean Todt said: “It gives me great pleasure to welcome this collaboration with the FIM on a number of safety projects. By uniting our two governing bodies on safety, it means we can advance standards for all forms of motor sport worldwide.”

FIM President Jorge Viegas said: “The FIM and FIA share circuits around the world. A collaborative approach to safety standards will not only simplify the process for the industry but will also ensure the highest level of safety for competitors worldwide.”



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