Zetsche wants F1 title name change - rumour

He is apparently uncomfortable with Red Bull becoming this season’s constructors’ champion


12 November 2010 - 08:05
Zetsche wants F1 title name change - (…)

According to a rumour in the Abu Dhabi paddock, Dieter Zetsche is not happy with the outcome of the 2010 title race.

Zetsche is the chairman of Mercedes’ carmaker parent Daimler, and he is apparently uncomfortable with Red Bull becoming this season’s constructors’ champion, French commentator Jean-Louis Moncet wrote in his Auto Plus column.

The German, uncomfortable that this year’s manufacturers’ title has been won by the maker of an energy drink, reportedly wants the FIA to change the official title of the "World Constructors’ Championship".

Moncet wrote: "I seem to remember that among the reasons that drove BMW to leave F1 was that defeats by Mercedes, Toyota or Renault are one thing - but Red Bull!"


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