Yeongam - Team reaction after Free practices 1 & 2

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

4 October 2013 - 11:20
Yeongam - Team reaction after Free (…)

Caterham Renault

Charles Pic: “FP1 was ok for me. The track was obviously very green to start off with, and one of the first things I noticed was how bumpy the new pitlane exit is, but in general the car felt pretty good from the first full run. To begin with there was a bit too much front end in the high speed corners, especially through turns seven and eight, but it felt good in the low speed turns.

“For the next run we changed the rear camber and took off a bit of front wing and it definitely felt a bit better in the high speed turns, but overall there was a drop in rear grip and there was more rear locking, especially in the first sector. For the final run we made a change ot the rear ride height and it felt like it had improved the overall stability, especially in the last sector.

“Between FP1 and FP2 we made quite a few changes to the car and on my first run the rear stability had improved a bit from the morning session, as had the aero blance. Against that the traction wasn’t great and in the very low speed turns the car was a bit sharp, mainly on entry and mid-corner, so we changed the ride height and front toe for the first run on options.

“On the performance run the supersofts started going off before the end of the first lap. The car balance was ok until the degradation started but after that it was understeering everywhere so we’ll have to look at how we manage that tonight. I switched back to the mediums for the first stint of the long run but had to cut that a bit short after flatspotting the tyres in a small off. The deg levels until that point had been pretty good and that gives us decent options for Sunday, if it’s dry!”

Giedo van der Garde: “Overall I think that as a better Friday than we’ve had for a while. I drove FP1 here in Korea last year so the track wasn’t new to me and that’s obviously an advantage when every lap counts towards maximising performance in FP1 and FP2 and it paid off today, even though I know I didn’t get everything out of my quickest lap on the supersofts in FP2.

“In the first session, initially the car balance wasn’t great. I had a bit of oversteer on entry into the high and low speed corners and we had some traction issues that meant I couldn’t really push so we changed front toe and dropped the front wing a bit for the third run. Grip levels were obviously improving fast but the changes had pushed the car from oversteer to understeer, particularly in the medium and high-speed corners so for the last FP1 run we added back some more front wing and dropped the rear ride height a bit and by the end of the session we’d made some positive progress.

“In FP2 we started with a car that felt a lot better. I was immediately able to push and even though it was a bit on the edge in the slow speed corners, but generally the changes we made over lunch had worked well – basically it meant I could point the car where I want it and carry speed through the corners. We went onto the supersofts for the second run and found we had a bit too much understeer – that didn’t help me put a clean lap together and I made a mistake in the final sector so I know I can find more time tomorrow on the options.

“We followed the usual Friday plan and I stayed on options for the first long run. They held up well but I was blocked about 16 laps into the long run and had to slow down, letting the tyres cool. Instead of trying to bring them back up to temperature we boxed and I finished the session on a set of mediums which were also performing well right to the flag.”

Toro Rosso Ferrari

Jean-Eric Vergne: “We had a problematic Friday, with the main difficulty having to do with the balance of the car. We are not too sure what is the cause of these problems, so it will be a long night to study the data to try and find a solution. Strangely, the car felt better in the morning session. We are not happy with where we are now, but I still believe the car can be much better here, so we just need to put everything together in the right way and try again tomorrow morning.”

Daniel Ricciardo: “Unfortunately we were on the back foot right from the first session, because the pace wasn’t there. We really thought we could cure it for the second session, but that wasn’t actually the case. However, I still believe this is a track that should suit us, but we are leaving it to the last minute to be competitive tomorrow. It would have been nice to have a good Friday session, so now we just have to work hard to turn things around.”

Laurent Mekies (Head of Vehicle Performance): “An unusual two sessions for us, as we are unhappy with the balance of both cars and, as a result, our performance level was not what we were expecting on a track layout that should suit us quite well. There is no reason why tomorrow, we cannot be back where we should be on this type of track. Clearly we have hit some performance limitations on both cars and now we must try and give Jean-Eric and Daniel a well balanced car for tomorrow.”

Red Bull Renault

Sebastian Vettel: “There is some room for improvement. It will be close with Mercedes; of course we’re not sure what others were doing with their fuel loads today, but it seems close ahead of tomorrow’s qualifying. I like the track here, it’s a shame it’s so far from Seoul, which is a great city, but it’s good coming here as it’s quieter than some other races, which means we can focus on our job.”

Mark Webber: “We need to work on the balance; it’s more about understanding the tyres again and getting those working as well as possible. We need to work on both the short and long run balance, as obviously I’m going to be out of position after qualifying. We need to have a car which can be strong in the first sector, so we can get some overtaking done.”

Williams Renault

Xevi Pujolar, Chief Race Engineer: We had several tests across the two cars this morning including some small aero changes. Pastor ran a completely new front wing in FP1 which worked as expected and he therefore kept this through into FP2. Several mechanical set-up tests were also completed, with long runs for both drivers in FP2 to gather tyre information. Both drivers were happy with the car and tyres this morning but we didn’t have the same pace this afternoon. We need to go through the data now to make sure we have the best configuration to improve both our qualifying and race pace this weekend.

Pastor Maldonado: Our performance wasn’t up to the level we hoped for today, but hopefully we can analyse the data tonight and improve for tomorrow. We seem to have made a step forward with the new front wing but we need to work on the car as a whole to look at all areas. As always we will do our best and try to get the maximum out of the car.

Valtteri Bottas: We did quite a few tests with the car today, both mechanical and aerodynamic. We still have quite a bit of work to do with the car balance as we are struggling with the front end, particularly in the mid-corner. We need to work on that, but the positive thing is that we seem to have made a step forward with the new front wing we tested on Pastor’s car, so I look forward to trying that myself.

McLaren Mercedes

Jenson Button: “The circuit is always very tricky, particularly at the start of the weekend; I don’t think it’s used at any other time of the year so it’s always very slippery in first practice.

“However, I think our afternoon session was a little more representative of our overall pace. We got some reasonable mileage under our belts and, even though I didn’t get the best from the Supersoft tyre on my fastest lap, I think we’ve begun to understand the characteristics of each tyre pretty well.

“In terms of performance, I think we might be a little bit closer to the Lotuses than we’ve been for the last couple of races – but let’s see what tomorrow brings.

“Also during FP2, my mechanics needed to effect a quick fix to a brake adjuster switch inside my cockpit – the lever was adjusting itself under braking, so we had to tape it still. It had a very minor impact on my running.”

Sergio Perez: “We completed everything that was on our list for today – including getting some useful laps on high fuel, which was very important.

“We still have quite a lot of work to do to optimise the car’s set-up when running the Prime on high fuel, and work to make the Option perform to its maximum on low fuel, so it’s going to be a tricky balancing act – but we’re looking forward to it.

“Overall, I think we’re in a similar position to where we were at the last race in Singapore: if we can get into the points, it’ll be a good result for us.

“The anticipated wet weather might help us out, too.”

Martin Whitmarsh, Team principal: “This was a productive day’s testing for the team.

“This morning’s session went reasonably well. Our cars were among the first out – which compromised tyre-life on the green track, but to a necessary extent, as we needed to get out early to collect the data we wanted.

“In the afternoon, some of the directions we chose to take turned out to be negative, but still produced some useful data for later analysis. We now have to go away and analyse that information and make further changes for tomorrow.

“If we can put all our disparate pieces of information together, hopefully we can make the car quicker tomorrow.”

Sauber Ferrari

he first two practice sessions for the Korean Korean Grand Prix went well for the Sauber F1 Team. It was a usual Friday evaluating new aero parts and completing set-up work in the morning and understanding the difference between the two tyre compounds, the medium and supersoft, in the afternoon session. Both Sauber F1 Team drivers still see room for improvement for qualifying tomorrow afternoon.

Nico Hülkenberg: “We were quite happy with the car this morning and found a good rhythm. The session this afternoon was a bit compromised because of the traffic. I couldn’t really get the first two runs together and, I think, there is still room for improvement on the option tyre. The car was performing quite well this morning, however, this afternoon it was a bit more difficult. We need to look into that now. I don’t think we showed our best today, but I’m confident for the rest of the weekend.”

Esteban Gutiérrez: “It was a very productive day. We’ve been trying different things on the car in order to adapt to the track. It’s quite a challenge, because you have to compromise somewhere as the first sector has a high-speed character, while in the second and third sectors you need quite a lot of downforce. The track itself is really nice, even better than I expected it to be. It’s fun to drive and has everything - fast, slow and medium speed corners. The first practice this morning gave me enough time to learn the track, and during the second session I was able to focus on the set-up and the balance of the car. Looking forward to qualifying tomorrow there is still room for improvement on the set-up.”

Tom McCullough, Head of Track Engineering: “Again the midfield is very tight, so this means tonight we shall have to get our heads down to make sure we get the most out of the car for qualifying. We are happy with how both drivers went and Esteban did a very good job learning the track, as obviously he has never driven here before. In free practice one he was within two tenths of Nico’s time when he had to lift off because of Kimi’s shunt. As for the work we did, in free practice one we split the evaluation of the new aero parts and set up work between the two cars. Then in free practice two, with the higher track temperatures, both drivers, but especially Nico, were not as happy on the low fuel. However, by the time we got to the long runs they were much happier.”


Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg completed today’s free practice sessions for the 2013 Formula 1 Korean Grand Prix in first and third positions after a strong day of running.

 The drivers completed a total of 103 laps in today’s three hours of running time, seven laps short of two race distances.
 Nico conducted a single evaluation run of the team’s passive drag reduction device this morning in first practice.
 Tyre evaluations and set-up fine-tuning were the order of the day, with both cars in the top four in both sessions.

Nico Rosberg: The track is really great and the small changes that have been made this year are good improvements, especially the pit exit which is now much better. Generally it seems that we had a good day but Red Bull is always very hard to beat. We were quite close to them today and I hope this will continue the whole weekend. My only concern after the long runs was graining on the front tyres, which is something we need to work on tonight and watch out for. We have brought also some new bits and pieces to Korea which are working well and leaves me optimistic for a strong result this weekend.

Lewis Hamilton: I was very happy with how the sessions went today and it’s the first time I can remember that second practice has really gone well for me. We haven’t changed anything but the day just went smoothly and all the processes with the team worked well. I love this track: it was clean from the start, it provides good racing on Sunday afternoon and it just gets harder and harder through the lap. You have the first sector which is good for overtaking, then you get more and more corners coming at you and those final two sectors are all about precision. You need a good downforce package, too, and the car is feeling good. We can still make improvements overnight, and I have some things I want to do with the set-up, but it’s been a good start for us.

Ross Brawn: We made a good start to the weekend with both cars today. We ran through the planned programme, evaluated our test items and got good long runs on both types of tyre in the afternoon session to give us plenty of data to pore through this evening. In terms of competitiveness, all the usual Friday caveats apply: we know only what fuel loads we ran, not those of our competitors, so tomorrow will show us where we actually stand. As always, we will work hard overnight to further improve the cars and build on this good start to the weekend.

Marussia Cosworth

It was a typical Friday programme for the Marussia F1 Team, albeit with three drivers in the mix over the course of two sessions. Today was one of Reserve Driver Rodolfo Gonzalez’s scheduled Free Practice 1 sessions and on this occasion it was Jules Bianchi’s turn to hand over the reins.

Max had a positive morning acclimatising to what is a new circuit for him, getting to grips with the tricky compromise set-up required for the Korea International Circuit. Rodolfo undertook an aerodynamic evaluation which was blighted briefly when a driver error put him in the wall, damaging the nose and necessitating extensive checks in the garage.

This afternoon, Jules Bianchi was back in chassis 2 and got to work on supplementing his own brief FP1 experience of this track last year, alongside Max. Both drivers suffered balance issues initially but these were largely dialled out as the programme progressed.

Jules Bianchi

“Overall I’m happy with the start of my Korean Grand Prix weekend. Having sat out FP1 I just needed to make the best of FP2 and get through as much set-up and tyre evaluation as possible, which we did with 31 laps. A good beginning but we need to make progress from here.”

Max Chilton

“I’ve enjoyed a pretty promising start to what is a new circuit for me. We started the day with a bit of an imbalance and we tried a few things to overcome that, some of which worked and some of which didn’t help. At the end of the day though we seem to have found our feet a little more at this track and so I’m looking forward to seeing how we can move forward from here.”

Rodolfo Gonzalez, Reserve Driver

“It has been good to get back in the car again after a reasonable spell out of the cockpit, but unfortunately I made a mistake, lost the front wing and damaged the nose. Thankfully the damage was confined to requiring a new nose-wing rather than creating any problems that would affect the run plan for the rest of the day. When I was back on track I was able to achieve some good data from our aero evaluations.”

John Booth, Team Principal

“Our plan in FP1 was for quite a full session with Rodolfo, mainly stepping through some aero-set-up options in order to gather data with the aim of optimising our current package. Unfortunately, after getting caught out on the first run, we had to reduce the programme to data gathering rather than timed laps, however the information we got from these runs was still very useful. Max concentrated on doing some balance work and getting acclimatised to the circuit. Overall, despite our issues, we were pleased with the results we achieved from FP1. Into FP2, with both race drivers in the car, we again had a busy session exploring balance along with normal tyre evaluations. Jules got up to speed quickly and was relatively happy with the car on low fuel. He struggled a lot with understeer on the high fuel running. With Max we almost had the opposite balance, so we have some good data to look at to arrive at the best compromise for the two situations of qualifying and race.”


Fernando Alonso: "The impressions are the usual Friday ones and to say more, we will have to wait until tomorrow and see how qualifying goes. On this track too it’s aerodynamics that make the difference and for that reason, I am not expecting too many surprises when compared to the last few Grands Prix. The time sheet follows the order that continues to be more or less the same seen in previous weekends and there is every probability that, again here, we can expect to struggle in the race. The difference between the two compounds is not as evident as in Singapore, but the Supersoft definitely has a very high degradation and we will have to see how much the track surface improvement will affect its behaviour. It won’t be easy for us in performance terms, but we know that apart from that, we can do well on Sunday. Now, we must try and get the most out of what we have available and put everything together tomorrow and in the race".

Felipe Massa: "Today didn’t go too badly, everything worked as it should have done and I had a good feeling in the car. In the morning, I was unable to do much running because of a puncture on the front left tyre, then in the afternoon, we made up for lost time, managing to test everything on the programme. The car handled well on both the compounds that Pirelli has brought here, even if on the Supersoft we encountered particularly high degradation. On a first lap on new tyres you gain a lot at the beginning, but then you lose a lot and over the long run maybe there is more graining than with the Mediums. It’s only Friday and we still need to understand where we are compared to our rivals. Even if we saw that Mercedes and Red Bull are very strong, I hope to have a more competitive car than in recent races, which will allow me to fight".

Pat Fry: "Despite the difficulties encountered in the first session and the dusty track, this day ended in a positive manner. I am sure that this evening, along with the opinions of the drivers, the data gathered during the two sessions will supply us with all the tools we need to optimise the package we will bring to the track tomorrow and in the race. The hierarchy down the pit lane does not seem that different to what it was in Singapore, but equally we are counting on seeing smaller gaps to our rivals. In the morning, we had a puncture on Felipe’s front left tyre during his out lap: that meant we had to call him back into the pits and delay the start of his first run. We lost time getting the new tyre up to temperature and once we were ready, we made the most of the final twenty minutes of the session, hoping an improvement in track condition would produce a more representative picture. In the first session with Fernando, we worked on car set-up, particularly on a comparison of two front wings, while in the second we concentrated on the usual comparison between the two tyre compounds, Medium and Supersoft. From what we could see this afternoon, we should take into account that their performance will be influenced by the evolution of the track surface over the weekend. Furthermore, the weather forecast is very uncertain and this is another factor that should not be underestimated when it comes to selecting the best set-up".

Lotus Renault

Romain Grosjean ended the first day of practice for the Korean Grand Prix with the sixth fastest time whilst team-mate Kimi Räikkönen placed eighth in Yeongam, South Korea.

Both drivers completed their Friday programmes as scheduled, with Kimi’s crew having a busy lunchtime repairing his E21 after an excursion into the barriers at the end of the first practice session.

While Kimi was unhurt in the incident, the damage incurred by the car necessitated the replacement of the front and rear wings, as well as suspension components on both left-hand corners of the car.

Technical programme notes:

 Kimi’s car spent additional time in the garage at the start of FP2 as his crew completed the repairs necessary after contact with the barriers at the end of FP1.
 Pirelli’s medium [white] tyre was used in the morning, with the medium and super soft [red] compound used in the afternoon session.

What we learned today:

 The E21 demonstrated strong potential on both varieties of tyre, with a smaller difference in performance between each compound compared to that seen in Singapore.

Kimi Räikkönen

“Obviously it didn’t help that I destroyed part of the car this morning; maybe I ran out of talent there! It didn’t cause too much damage and the car was fine for the second practice, even if the guys had quite a hurry to fix it. They did a good job and we managed to complete everything we wanted today. The car feels quite strong – especially on the long runs – so that’s good news for the race. On the short runs it wasn’t exactly as I wanted, but we still have some time to make improvements there.”

Romain Grosjean

“My first two runs this morning weren’t perfect, so we decided to change a few things during the break but that didn’t exactly go to plan either. Finding the right balance for a full lap here is quite tricky as the different sectors are quite unique from each other, but eventually we returned to a more conventional setup for a run on the option tyres and the car felt much better. This circuit is a bit more front limited which doesn’t particularly help us, but hopefully the track evolution will bring it towards us a bit more tomorrow. Half a second to the leaders is a bit of a gap and they look pretty quick, so I think top five is a realistic target in qualifying, but of course we’ll do our best to catch them.”

Alan Permane, Trackside Operations Director

“It was a fairly routine Friday aside from Kimi’s small off this morning which looked a lot worse than it was, resulting primarily in some front trackrod and rear corner damage for us to repair. We lost some time at the start of the second session whilst the rectification work was completed, but this didn’t impact on our programme today. We completed long runs with both cars in the afternoon to give us plenty of data for analysis ahead of Sunday. As illustrated a few times, the track was quite slippery to start the weekend, which is something we expect to see improve throughout tomorrow and Sunday. The tyres are behaving as expected, with a smaller performance difference between the two compounds than what we saw in Singapore, which is in line with our predictions.”

Force India Mercedes

Sahara Force India completed a busy day of practice for the Korean Grand Prix with Adrian Sutil, Paul Di Resta and James Calado all behind the wheel of the VJM06.

Adrian Sutil: “I really like this circuit and the conditions were ideal today for practice. We worked hard to find the ideal balance and in the morning there was more understeer, while in the afternoon there was more oversteer. So there is some work to do to this evening, but we seem to be in a good position for the weekend.”

Paul Di Resta: “It was quite a successful session and right from the first run I felt in the groove with the car. The long run pace looks promising and our tyre wear seems comparable to our rivals, which is a good sign. The area we need to improve is our one-lap pace so we will work hard tonight and hopefully find some gains ahead of final practice.”

James Calado: “A new track for me and it proved to be quite difficult to learn, especially the last sector, which is quite a challenge with some off-camber corners. The programme involved some high fuel running, which is the first time I’ve done that, and by the end of the session I was feeling very comfortable with the car. The degradation of the tyres was quite high, especially as the track was so green to begin with, but I’m pretty happy with how things went today.”

Robert Fernley, Deputy Team Principal: “Another straightforward Friday for us. Adrian and James were in the cars this morning and they delivered their respective programmes as required. In the afternoon we got a better indication of our speed and were encouraged by the long run pace with both cars. With over 100 laps under our belt we have all the data to further optimise the cars tonight. The main focus is to try and find a more neutral balance with the car with a view to better optimising our one-lap pace.”

01 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes AMG 1:38.673 31
02 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Renault 1:38.781 +0.108 30
03 Nico Rosberg Mercedes AMG 1:38.797 +0.127 32
04 Mark Webber Red Bull Renault 1:38.844 +0.171 35
05 Felipe Massa Ferrari 1:39.114 +0.441 30
06 Romain Grosjean Lotus Renault 1:39.226 +0.553 34
07 Fernando Alonso Ferrari 1:39.444 +0.771 31
08 Kimi Raikkonen Lotus Renault 1:39.757 +1.084 33
09 Jenson Button McLaren Mercedes 1:39.774 +1.101 29
10 Adrian Sutil Force India Mercedes 1:40.006 +1.333 34
11 Paul di Resta Force India Mercedes 1:40.007 +1.334 34
12 Sergio Perez McLaren Mercedes 1:40.152 +1.479 31
13 Esteban Gutierrez Sauber Ferrari 1:40.186 +1.513 33
14 Nico Hulkenberg Sauber Ferrari 1:40.210 +1.537 34
15 Jean-Eric Vergne Toro Rosso Ferrari 1:40.446 +1.773 30
16 Daniel Ricciardo Toro Rosso Ferrari 1:40.552 +1.879 26
17 Pastor Maldonado Williams Renault 1:41.117 +2.444 35
18 Valtteri Bottas Williams Renault 1:41.289 +2.616 34
19 Giedo Van der Garde Caterham Renault 1:42.461 +3.788 36
20 Charles Pic Caterham Renault 1:42.798 +4.125 35
21 Jules Bianchi Marussia Cosworth 1:43.108 +4.435 31
22 Max Chilton Marussia Cosworth 1:43.441 +4.768 29


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