Vettel: Still everything to play for in the Drivers’ Championship

Abu Dhabi GP preview - Red Bull Renault

By Franck Drui

8 November 2010 - 21:11
Vettel: Still everything to play for (…)

Mark Webber: “The track has a good layout and the twilight aspect gives it a different atmosphere – it’s a good event. I think we have a great chance to go there and get a good result. There is a chance of the team getting another Championship, which is an exciting proposition. There are lots of possible outcomes that could still happen, Fernando is in the best position of all of us, but we still have a chance, so let’s see what happens.”

Sebastian Vettel: “Obviously I have good memories from Abu Dhabi and I will be hoping to get another good result there this year, but let’s see. There’s still everything to play for in the Drivers’ Championship. Abu Dhabi is a good track; it’s fantastic to drive under the hotel bridge with the lights on the roof changing every time you go past. The people are very friendly and I’m looking forward to the race.”


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