Title rivals poke fun at Alonso’s waxed legs

"He has shown over the years how solid he is mentally"


12 November 2010 - 07:55
Title rivals poke fun at Alonso's

In a bit of good humour or championship finale-needle, or both, Fernando Alonso’s title rivals could not hide their grins in Abu Dhabi.

Lewis Hamilton admitted that he and Mark Webber noticed on Thursday that the Ferrari driver was sporting smooth and shiny legs in the Yas Marina paddock.

"I’m surprised how Fernando was able to take the pain of having his legs waxed," smiled Hamilton, who at McLaren in 2007 clashed memorably with his former teammate.

"Mark pointed it out and was asking how far it goes up," he added.

"I was like, ’Wow, they’re shiny’," said Hamilton.

He admitted that Alonso, who is a keen cyclist, took the jibes in good humour.

"He has shown over the years how solid he is mentally. He just doesn’t care. You ask him questions about (the team orders in) Germany and he isn’t bothered," said Hamilton.

Indeed, Alonso confirmed that he is not bothered that some colleagues and commentators are suggesting that he needs to win the title by more than 7 points if the achievement is not to be tarnished by his controversial victory at Hockenheim.

"I think winning by 7, or one or 25 points is the least important thing in my mind right now," the Spaniard said on Thursday.

"Our only picture at the moment is winning the race or finishing second, that is the target and I think that is what we can achieve," added Alonso.

And the Ferrari driver also insisted he is not worrying about whether Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber will be swapping places on the last lap to prevent him from winning the title.

"I don’t think I will lose even one second of my energy thinking about what is going to happen on Sunday afternoon," he insisted.


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