’Time short’ for 2013 engine rule clarity - Kaltenborn

"As a customer team we currently have too little information"


11 April 2011 - 09:19
'Time short' for 2013 (…)

Sauber chief executive Monisha Kaltenborn has confirmed a debate is in play regarding the engine formula for 2013.

The FIA has already rubber-stamped the impending beginning of a four-cylinder turbo era, but Bernie Ecclestone and Ferrari are pushing hard for the current V8 formula to remain.

Meetings were held at Sepang over the weekend and Kaltenborn - although with Ferrari as the Swiss team’s engine and KERS supplier - said Sauber has not chosen a side.

"As a customer team we currently have too little information in order to argue for one (option) or the other," she is quoted by Auto Motor und Sport.

"But time is very short," added Kaltenborn.

"On the one hand, we support innovative technology, and on the other it must be affordable. You have to find a balance," she said.

Also discussed on the sidelines in Malaysia were a new Concorde Agreement for post-2012 and further cost reductions championed by the teams group FOTA.

On the latter issue, Kaltenborn urged caution.

"We must not forget that we are implementing cost reductions for the first time in the history of formula one.

"For us as a team in the midfield, it is important to ensure the preservation of the team and maintain both the appeal and the glamour of formula one," she said.


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