Sergio Perez: I’ve been sick all weekend

Perez eventually finished the Italian Grand Prix 2nd, after starting 12th


9 September 2012 - 21:29
Sergio Perez: I've been sick (…)

Sergio Perez has announced that he had been suffering from an undisclosed illness throughout the Italian Grand Prix weekend, however the symptoms did not effect his performance on track. The Mexican driver stormed to his third podium of the season during the race, after masterfully carrying out a one-stop strategy.

After starting the race back in 12th position, Sergio Perez utilized his strategy to perfection and rose steadily through the field as others peeled off into the pits early either due to tyre degradation or due to the fact they were carrying out a two-stop strategy. As Lewis Hamilton pitted from the lead on lap 24, Sergio Perez assumed the lead untIl the Briton was able to retake the lead several laps later.

Once Perez finally made his one and only stop of the race, the Mexican driver scythed through the field like a hot knife through butter, eventually finishing 2nd only several seconds behind race winner Lewis Hamilton. When asked whether his illness impeded him throughout the weekend, Sergio Perez admitted it was a tough weekend however it failed to affect him at all.

“It’s always difficult for sure.” Explained Sergio Perez, “Yes, I’ve been sick all weekend. It’s been difficult but it did not affect me at all, yesterday in qualifying I did not have the good lap.”

Sergio Perez has undoubtedly been one of the stars of the year, immediately battling for podiums at the start of the season. After being rumored to a move to Ferrari in Felipe Massa’s seat for 2013, the Mexican driver has most certainly shown his worthiness to teams up and down the grid in F1. Regardless of whether Perez remains a Sauber driver beyond 2012, it is unquestionable that the 22-year-old is a star of the future.

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