Renault says Hamilton weaving should have been punished

"We have expressed our opinion to the FIA"


5 April 2010 - 09:25
Renault says Hamilton weaving should (…)

Renault team boss Eric Boullier believes Lewis Hamilton should have received an actual penalty for weaving during Sunday’s Malaysian grand prix.

During the McLaren driver’s battle with Vitaly Petrov, Hamilton made four or five weaving manoeuvres on a single straight in order to prevent the Russian rookie from passing him.

According to the rules, drivers may only make one defensive move, and then another before the brazing zone to return to his racing line.

The incident, successfully enabling Hamilton to stay ahead of Renault’s Petrov, was reported by the race director to the stewards during the Sepang race.

But the 2008 world champion was merely warned, and shown a black and white flag for bad conduct.

Renault did not mention the weaving in its official press release, but Boullier is quoted as saying by Spain’s AS newspaper: "We have expressed our opinion (to the FIA). The warning was not enough."

The newspaper also quoted Ferrari test driver Marc Gene as describing Hamilton’s driving as "wrong", while Virgin tester Andy Soucek said the Briton should have penalised "absolutely, without any doubt".

And former Super Aguri driver Anthony Davidson told BBC radio: "I don’t know what Lewis was doing, weaving all over the track. I think he thought he was playing a Playstation rather than real life."


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