Red Bull’s Marko promises proper title party

"Next we will get the constructors’ title and then we will celebrate properly"


10 October 2011 - 10:27
Red Bull's Marko promises (…)

Sebastian Vettel’s title party at Suzuka was a slightly muted affair.

It featured techno music but didn’t compare to Abu Dhabi last year, when the Red Bull driver emerged as the surprise champion ahead of favourites Fernando Alonso and Mark Webber.

At Suzuka, the party had to play out with team members knowing they had to soon pack up and head off to South Korea, where practice kicks off in a few days.

On Monday, 24-year-old Vettel - only the ninth back-to-back world champion in F1 history - is already in Tokyo.

On Tuesday, he will travel to Yokohama for a sponsor appointment, before flying to Korea on Wednesday, according to the news agency DAPD.

"Don’t worry," Dr Helmut Marko said at Suzuka late on Sunday. "Next we will get the constructors’ title and then we will celebrate properly."


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