Red Bull floor ruling ’is what it is’ - Vettel

"I don’t feel it is a big disadvantage," he told


6 June 2012 - 11:10
Red Bull floor ruling 'is what (…)

Sebastian Vettel has played down suggestions Red Bull’s title hopes have been struck a blow.

Following the reported complaints of rival top teams Ferrari, McLaren and Mercedes, the FIA clarified in the wake of the recent Monaco grand prix that the holes in the floor of Red Bull’s race-winning RB8 are not legal.

Vettel reportedly won last month’s Bahrain grand prix with the offending floor design, as did his teammate Mark Webber last time out in Monaco.

When asked about the floor ruling, German Vettel said: "It is what it is.

"I don’t feel it is a big disadvantage," he told Bild newspaper.

The German news agency DAPD also quotes the 24-year-old as saying: "We are developing very quickly and so in Canada, as always, we are using a new aerodynamics package."


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