Race - Italian GP report: Manor Mercedes

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

4 September 2016 - 18:25
Race - Italian GP report: Manor Mercedes

A disappointing race day for Manor Racing. Though Esteban took his second chequered flag, his shot at a good result was hampered by his starting position after yesterday’s problem in qualifying. Pascal was forced to retire after 18 laps after a sudden drop in oil pressure.

Esteban Ocon

Esteban, good to see you take the chequered flag again, but that wasn’t really the objective here, was it?

“No, the objective was to take the chequered flag, but in a much stronger position. It was a long, tough Grand Prix from where I started. We were on the Medium tyre for a very long stint – 32 laps - and none of the opportunities that we hoped might change the face of the race happened. At the end, on the Soft tyre, we were really on the limit. So it’s good to finish, especially after the problem for Pascal’s car. That’s two race distances with a lot of learnings about the tyres and managing races, but now I’m ready to use that experience to fight for something more. I think we were capable of much better here, so it’s a shame.”

So, we pack up in Monza and head east for the next few rounds of the Championship. Europe was short and probably a little bitter-sweet for you, but good things ahead to look forward to.

“The last two races have had their difficulties, but they were also my first two races in Formula 1. I achieved my dream in Spa, after a long road to get here, and when things did go our way this weekend, we saw that the car is improving, same for me. I’m disappointed today, but I’m looking forward to better things in the seven remaining races. It will come good for me soon.”

Pascal Wehrlein

Pascal, terrible luck for you, after such a promising weekend. No need to ask how you feel.

“Pretty disappointed, of course. When I heard my engineer telling me to “Stop the car. Stop the car”, I couldn’t believe it. I had to check what I was hearing. Of course, it was for good reason, to protect the car, so I knew what I had to do – I just didn’t want to believe it, I guess.”

“The team is making really positive steps with the car, though the positive signs must make today’s retirement all the more tough to take. Splitting two McLarens in qualifying, the expectation that you can fight for Q2, if not higher, and fending off the competition in qualifying and in the race.

“Yes, today’s situation is difficult to take, knowing what is possible from the car and having pushed so hard all weekend again. But I know the team will want to sort the problems out as quickly as possible; it’s disappointing for everyone and we can’t afford for a good result to get away from us again if we are to protect our position in the championship. We’ll come back fighting in Singapore, a race I’m really excited about. I hope we can make it happen for us there.”

A word with Dave Ryan, Racing Director

“A tough day at the races, and not one we want to repeat any time soon.

“We came to Monza with high expectations and as demonstrated by Pascal’s qualifying performance it’s fair to say that this was justified. However, we were let down by reliability on both cars at various times over the event and as a result suffered the consequences.

“Both Pascal and Esteban have been brilliant all weekend and are obviously frustrated that we have let an opportunity pass us by, but at the same time they appreciate it is a team sport, collectively we are Manor Racing, and on that basis we move on, lessons learned and looking forward to the next race in Singapore.”


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