Q&A with Paul di Resta before Hockenheim

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By Franck Drui

16 July 2012 - 17:12
Q&A with Paul di Resta before (…)

Paul Di Resta reflects on Silverstone and looks ahead to racing in Germany.

Paul, a short home race for you in Silverstone – how do you feel looking back on the weekend…

It was a shame to end the race so early, but there’s no point getting frustrated. It could have been such a good race because we had taken an aggressive approach with a dry set-up on Saturday and I’m sure we could have come away with points. The contact with Grosjean was very slight and just one of those racing incidents, but it was enough to cut the tyre and that completely ended my chances.

You’ve spent a lot of your career racing in Germany – what are your thoughts on Hockenheim?

I know the track well from my days in the DTM and I am looking forward to getting out there in a Formula One car. It’s a fun circuit with some challenging corners and it’s good for overtaking, especially the slow hairpin at turn six. My favourite part of the lap is the stadium, where you can really feel the energy of the crowd. The double right hander onto the start/finish line is another special corner and it’s difficult to get it right. If you have lots of experience on this track you can gain a little bit of time through this corner.


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