Promoter confirms Rome grand prix idea dead

"I am now working on the grand prix of New York"


5 July 2012 - 09:54
Promoter confirms Rome grand prix (…)

Maurizio Flammini, who tried to organise a formula one race on the streets of Rome, has admitted the project is definitely dead.

He told Ansa news agency: "Absolutely not, it can’t be done due to the problem of bureaucracy.

"I am now working on the grand prix of New York that I hope will go ahead soon," Flammini, a former F2 driver and world superbike promoter, added.

He explained: "The bureaucracy stops thousands of projects in Rome, not just formula one. We should fight against it.

"It is unthinkable that a planning agreement, the foundation of any business venture that can be done in the area, has a duration ranging from 6 to 15 years.

"Any initiative in this world is old in six years, let alone fifteen," insisted Flammini.


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