Pirelli ’look forward’ to International Tribunal

The international tribunal is scheduled to sit on June 20 2013


8 June 2013 - 16:00
Pirelli 'look forward' to (…)

Paul Hembery, Motorsport Director at Pirelli, has told the media that they are “looking forward” to their International Tribunal hearing over its ‘secret’ test with Mercedes.

Hembery pulled out of the Team Principals FIA Press Conference last minute yesterday following advice from the Pirelli legal advisors. Attempting to avoid any questions on the ongoing ‘tyre-gate’ issue, questions on the ‘secret’ test were instead put toward the team principals in attendance – Christian Horner, Stefano Domenicali, Monisha Kaltenborn, Martin Whitmarsh, and Mercedes’ very own Ross Brawn. Whilst Horner made it very clear that Red Bull were very unhappy with the test, and the ‘lack of transparency’ from Mercedes, Brawn instead offered very little insight to the situation, only wishing to stress that the test with Pirelli was not a ‘secret’ test, but a ‘private test.

Despite his cancelled attendance at the FIA Press Conference, Paul Hembery still went ahead with his afternoon Pirelli conference in their motorhome. Stressing he would not be answering any questions with regards to the upcoming details of the tribunal, Hembery did offer us an insight that the organisation were ‘looking forward’ to the hearing;

“We’re looking forward to a tribunal” Hembery informed the media in attendance. “Of course we are, because we want to be able to demonstrate our point of view and our situation. It’s not nice sometimes to hear things that you know are maybe quite wide of the mark and I guess when you’re quiet people can obviously use their imagination but the point of a tribunal - and a well-run tribunal I’m sure it will be because the FIA put in a new process - is to look at all the data and all the facts. There’s a lot of context that needs to be taken in to account.”

Hembery also went on to inform those at the press conference that although not required to attend the hearing in person, Pirelli “acknowledge it and are pleased to follow the procedures.”

Hembery ended with a note stating that the outcome of the tribunal hearing will have an effect on whether or not they can campaign for future changes in the sport. The international tribunal is scheduled to sit on June 20 2013.


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