Pic’s Caterham career ’going very well’ - Panis

"Charles has had a lot to learn"


11 April 2013 - 08:54
Pic's Caterham career 'going

Olivier Panis insists his charge Charles Pic’s new challenge with Caterham is "going very well".

It has been suggested 23-year-old Pic might regret switching his skills and sponsors to another team over the winter, with Marussia now appearing to have the edge over its usual rival Caterham.

As far as fellow Frenchman Panis is concerned, however, Pic made the right move.

"It is going very well in Caterham," the former grand prix winner, who is involved in Pic’s management, told France’s sports.fr.

"Charles has had a lot to learn, including KERS which involves a lot of manipulation of the steering wheel.

"He has acclimatised well," added Panis.

"It was known already that the beginning of the season would be a bit complicated, with three or four slightly more difficult grands prix pending developments.

"So it is about the reliability as well as the future of the team," he said.

"Melbourne was not easy but it was much better in Malaysia. We hope to continue in the same direction in China," added Panis.

"The team wants to make progress grand prix after grand prix, and season after season. In addition, the Renault powertrain is a huge asset."


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