No qualifying for Alonso!

Following his practice crash


15 May 2010 - 13:35
No qualifying for Alonso!

Fernando Alonso will be forced to sit out Saturday afternoon’s qualifying session after his Ferrari team found his F10 was too heavily damaged to be repaired.

A press release issued by the team said : "The damage to his car, which resulted from his accident in the early part of Free Practice 3 is not repairable and therefore the chassis has to be changed; a job that requires at least four hours to complete. Fernando, who was fastest on Thursday, will therefore not be able to take part in qualifying."

The Spaniard lost control of his car at the Massenet corner and crashed in the barriers. He admitted to reporters this crash was his mistake.

This mistake could cost him dearly as he will have to start the race from the pitlane. With overtaking virtually impossible in the streets of Monaco, Alonso is set for a tough time on Sunday but will still try his very best to score some championship points.


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