Michelin considering Formula One return

French manufacturer keen to show tyre relevance


12 February 2010 - 17:24
Michelin considering Formula One return

French tyre manufacturer Michelin may be suffering badly as a result of the slump in global car sales, but they are not ruling out a possible return to Formula One next year.

Current supplier Bridgestone has already declared that they will not continue in the series in 2011, with the sport’s governing body – the FIA – now talking to potential replacements. Michelin pulled out of Formula One at the end of the 2006 season but according to Brazilian reports, is now very much considering a return.

“The rules would have to change to show the performance that [tyres] can bring, specifically in terms of fuel economy and CO2 reduction," Michelin’s Jean-Dominique Senard told Tazio.com.br. “We can consider returning, but there are some conditions [and] the main point is to ensure that the tyres can show what they can bring to the automotive industry.”

Michelin has always stated however that they would not be interested in being the sole supplier of tyres, believing that competition is required for its participation. This issue alone could well prevent the firm returning as a tyre war would only drive up costs.

FIA spokesman Gus Glover told Bloomberg that they could not comment on the ‘formal discussions’.


Formula 1 news

