Mercedes plan to introduce Coanda-effect exhaust layout at Singapore

The Brackley-based outfit are set to continue testing the device during practice


19 September 2012 - 08:00
Mercedes plan to introduce Coanda-effect

Mercedes have announced plans to introduced the much talked about Coanda-effect exhaust layout on their cars during practice for this weekend’s Singapore Grand Prix, with intentions to possibly run the device during the race should the layout work. This device was tested extensively during the Young Driver Test at Magny-Cours last week.

The German marque utilized their testing time at last week’s Young Driver Test to great effect, testing the Coanda-effect exhaust layout each day around the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours. Both Mercedes reserve driver Sam Bird and former Red Bull test driver Brendon Hartley got behind the wheel of the W03 at the test, completing roughly 1000km during the three days available to them.

The Coanda-effect exhaust layout, which greatly improves exhaust airflow towards the floor of the car, has proven highly effective this season since the ban on off-throttle blown diffusers towards the end of last season. With the likes of Ferrari and McLaren already sampling the Coanda-effect, Mercedes have been eager to experiment with the layout as they strive to end the 2012 season on a high.

Both Nico Rosberg and Michael Schumacher have been unable to produce fantastically competitive results in recent races, however the introduction of this particular exhaust layout could provide the Brackley-based outfit with a boost around the Marina Bay street circuit. Due to the many low speed corners around the tricky street circuit, the Coanda-effect exhaust layout could well be extremely beneficial for the team for this race in particular.

However, with other teams also set to introduce updates at this weekend’s Singapore Grand Prix, any advantage that the Coanda-effect layout could yield to the Mercedes outfit could be thwarted by yet further improvements up and down the grid. With Ferrari also present at the Mangy-Cours test, experimenting with several new front wing designs, Mercedes could still find themselves playing catch-up once the track action begins in preparation for the Singapore Grand Prix.

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