Marussia: Maria De Villota improving

Maria’s recovery has been remarkable

By Franck Drui

11 July 2012 - 21:49
Marussia: Maria De Villota improving

It is now eight days since Maria De Villota’s accident at Duxford Airfield whilst testing for the Marussia F1 Team.

Despite severe injuries, Maria’s recovery during that time has been remarkable.

Following two successful surgical procedures in the days following the accident, last Saturday the medical team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital began to gradually reduce the level of Maria’s sedation. By Sunday morning, Maria was awake and able to speak to her family, which provided a very important - albeit early - indication that there were positive signs for Maria’s recovery.

Since that time, Maria has been making small but significant steps. She was moved out of the Neurological Critical Care Unit on Monday and is no longer receiving sedation. Her family remain by her side and she is communicating freely with them and the medical team. Medical assessments are ongoing to monitor Maria’s improving condition.

The Team has provided this update with the consent and support of the De Villota family who, whilst keen to ensure Maria’s care remains the priority, are understanding and appreciative of the concern for her wellbeing.


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