Kubica’s condition positive - Renault

He continues to make good progress


14 February 2011 - 14:20
Kubica's condition positive - (…)

Renault on Monday played down reports that Robert Kubica’s condition worsened over the weekend.

Polish news channel TVN 24 quoted the Polish driver’s girlfriend Edyta Witas as saying his "physical and psychological state" has "worsened" since his last surgery.

But Renault quickly issued an update insisting that the 26-year-old’s "condition remains positive".

The Polish reports had said Kubica had been moved out of intensive care but is now back.

Renault said: "He will stay in intensive care for the next couple of days to allow a complete check-up and to avoid another change of department before his final operation."

That elbow surgery takes place on Wednesday.


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