Istanbul - Team reaction after Free practices 1 & 2

All the information you need

By Franck Drui

6 May 2011 - 16:55
Istanbul - Team reaction after Free (…)

Toro Rosso Ferrari

Daniel Ricciardo - 1.41.094 - P8 (FP1): “This was my very first time driving at the Istanbul track and the session went well giving me an understanding of why drivers are so keen on this circuit, with all its undulations and different types of corner. I enjoyed it, even if the conditions were not ideal. It was useful to drive in the wet, because this was only the second time I’ve had that experience after a few laps at Barcelona in winter testing. I felt confident and comfortable in the wet and I ran just with the extreme rain tyres. We considered intermediates, but there was too much standing water on the track. We made some set-up changes before my second run and even though the track was wetter then, it improved the lap time, so hopefully that information can be useful for this afternoon.”

Sebastien Buemi - 1.28.153 - P12: “This morning’s session went well and we managed to complete quite a few laps on the extremes, although we did not use the intermediates, as the conditions never seemed good enough. At least we have a good read of how the extremes behave, so if it rains on Sunday we will know what to do. Apart, from that, it was a productive day for us in general, trying a few different set-up changes and I am quite happy with the work we completed today. But of course, this is only Friday, so we need to study the data carefully and hopefully we can maintain the good performance level we have seen in the first three races. From the tyre comparison I did, the difference between the two compounds seems smaller than usual, but it is still too early to draw any definite conclusion.”

Jaime Alguersuari - 1.28.765 - P14: “I think we have a lot of work to do to prepare for tomorrow, because I did not have a good feel for the car today, so we need to concentrate on finding a better set-up for the rest of the weekend. We will look at the data to analyse what we need to do, although I have a good idea where the problem lies and I am sure the engineers will know what to do. I ran a different set-up to my team-mate today, which at least means we have more data to study. I did a tyre compare and the changes made to the hard tyre seem good, as it performed consistently and also I did not find such a big difference between the Prime and Option as in previous races. It seems the balance between the two compounds has improved.”

Sauber Ferrari

After the first two practice sessions for the Turkish Grand Prix were held in mixed weather conditions, the Sauber F1 Team has to analyse a huge amount of data. Both cars carried test items - Kamui Kobayashi working with new mechanical parts and Sergio Pérez trying new aerodynamic components. Obviously the conditions were not ideal to obtain proper results from these. The morning session was the first one this year to be entirely wet, with neither of the two drivers having anything else but wet tyres on their cars. As soon as the cars are on either wets or intermediates, the use of DRS is not possible according to the regulations. In the second 90 minutes session, which was dry, Pérez was ninth and Kobayashi 18th.

Apart from test items, there have also been livery changes to the Sauber C30-Ferraris: In two cases for this race in Istanbul partners of the Sauber F1 Team decided to display logos of different brands of their respective companies. Instead of Tequila Cuervo it reads Cholula Hot Sauce and instead of disensa a dog’s head represents the brand of Apasco.

Sergio Pérez - 1.27.844 - P9: ”I have completed the programme which had been planned for me. In the morning I didn’t put in a proper lap time due to some aero testing. After the second session I’m quite positive for tomorrow. We have to draw the right conclusions tonight, and I believe we can be good in qualifying. I absolutely enjoy every lap going through turn eight. For me it is the first time in an F1 car here and it is sensational.”

Kamui Kobayashi - 1.29.637 - P18: ”In the morning I did some testing with mechanical parts, but we have been quite unfortunate with the weather conditions for this. It is really difficult to judge from the wet testing. Nevertheless it was a good experience to use the wet tyres for an entire session. I think Pirelli has done a good job, I don’t see degradation problems,and the tyres should be ok for a race. In the second session we did our normal programme, despite an hydraulic problem which we had to solve. But again I find it difficult to judge how good the car really is here, so we need to look into the data tonight.”

James Key, Technical Director: “Today was the first wet session of the year, and we ran the full wet tyres in FP1. Sergio had some aerodynamic test items on his car, which we plan to introduce at the next events. Kamui had some mechanical parts. From what we can tell in the morning’s difficult conditions, things seem to work well on the mechanical side and we plan to continue with these updates for Saturday. In the afternoon we worked through a normal programme in dry conditions, comparing the tyres and working on the set-up of the car. Overall this was troublefree for Sergio, and we are generally happy with the car. However, we have a few bounce issues in lower speed which we have to tackle. For Kamui it was reasonable for the first outings, but on his out lap on the option tyres he suffered an hydraulic leak, and he had no chance to put a sensible lap time together. The team did a great job in fixing the car quickly, and getting it out for a longer run. We will analyse all the data from today and see if we can make further progress for tomorrow.”

McLaren Mercedes

Jenson Button - 1.26.456 - P1: “I’m pretty happy with how today went. The car’s been working reasonably well – there are always things you want to improve, but we’ve made some good progress and have a lot of useful data to go through.

“Trying to get the car to ride the bumps well into Turn 12 has been difficult, but we improved it through the session. Turn 12 is really bumpy – it’s like they put a motocross jump in there!

“And Turn Eight’s quite tough too because, depending on your balance, it can damage the front and rear tyres. It’s about getting the balance right, which we concentrated on today.

“We haven’t put everything on the car that we wanted to this weekend, which is disappointing, but we still have some useful upgrades so it’s nice to keep moving forwards.”

Lewis Hamilton - 1.27.033 - P3: “We saved tyres during this morning’s session. In the afternoon, despite the limited running in P1, we got quite a lot of our run-plan completed, which was very satisfying.

“I initially struggled a little bit with set-up, which we can look at and fix overnight, but I was really pleased with my long-run pace – I think it was probably one of the best practice long-runs I’ve ever had.

“Generally, our car has a pretty good baseline. We’re still in the fight: the most important factor this weekend is to continue with our consistency – getting on the podium is my target, and if we can win that’ll be even better!”

Martin Whitmarsh: “This morning’s uncharacteristic heavy rain meant that we opted to conserve our supply of Wet and Intermediate Pirelli tyres by sitting out the majority of the session. With cold and unpredictable weather predicted for the remainder of the weekend, and with relatively little to learn from running on a wet track, we felt it was more prudent to save the rubber for Saturday and Sunday.

“Happily, this afternoon’s session turned out drier than we’d imagined, and we were able to pack the majority of our day’s run-programme into P2. Indeed, both drivers’ long-run pace looks extremely promising.

“Lewis and Jenson felt happy with the balance of their cars, although both said that the bumps upon entry to Turn 12 were fairly severe and unsettled the car.

“It’s too early to read anything into this afternoon’s times, but we’re happy that we’ve found a good baseline for the set-up and that we can build upon it for the rest of the weekend.”

Team Lotus Renault

Karun Chandhok - 1.51.676 - P21 (FP1): "The wet weather meant we limited the morning runplan but despite that it was good to get back out on track. I didn’t get a chance to push but I’m enjoying working with the team and the more time I spend with everyone the more I can see how far this team can go. There’s a great spirit across the whole garage, and back in the factory, and with the constant progression towards the midfield this is a great place to be working in."

Heikki Kovalainen - 1.30.281 - P19: "That was a reasonable session for me - I had a DRS issue that definitely cost me some time but I think the balance was pretty good and we got through some decent setup work so I think we’ll be ok tomorrow."

Jarno Trulli - 1.29.409 -P17: "I’m pleased in general with today. It’s been a positive, trouble free day and we managed to run through a number of options that give us a good direction for tomorrow and the race. We have made an adjustment to the power steering and that’s definitely improved things in the cockpit for me but there’s more to come from that and the whole car so I think we can go into tomorrow in good shape."

Thierry Salvi, Renault Sport F1 Support Leader: "We didn’t manage to do much running in P1 this morning due to the weather so we had to work a lot harder during P2 this afternoon, especially with specific engine mapping. I hope we will have good feedback from the drivers and can take another step forwards on strategy. I think there is more to come from the whole package tomorrow so this was a pretty good start to the weekend."

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: "A pretty good day. Obviously we had limited running this morning in the wet conditions as we wanted to save tyres in case we have to use wets in the race. Unfortunately that limited the running Karun and Jarno could do but this afternoon we completed the whole program without any real problems with the performance levels we showed I think we are looking at having a pretty good weekend."

Force India Mercedes

FP1 objectives:
Paul - Evaluation of the new front wing and wet weather set-up work
Nico - Baseline set-up work and evaluation of wet weather tyres

FP2 objectives:
Paul - Data collection from prime and option tyres; general dry set-up work
Adrian - Aero evaluation of the new front wing and tyre compound comparison work

Adrian Sutil - 1:28.052 - P10: We had the wing to try on my car this afternoon, which was quite interesting, but now we have to look at the data and try to really understand it. At the moment it’s too early to say that much. I tried both the hard and the soft tyres and did a long run on each, so I feel quite well prepared. I think the hard tyre was the best and most consistent today, but that could easily change as the track evolves. For the general balance of the car, we will work on trying to improve in the final sector and dial out some of the understeer. However, the car felt very well balanced in the high-speed corners.

Paul Di Resta - 1:27.725 - P8: The wet weather session this morning made it difficult to learn much about the new front wing, but it was important for me to get a feel for the track and the wet weather tyres. For the afternoon, the priority was to try and understand the hard and soft tyres: we did two runs on the hard and two runs on the soft, which has given us lots of data to analyse this evening as we plan our approach for tomorrow. Overall I think we’ve made a good start and the car feels relatively straightforward. There are always things to improve, but I’m happy with my day.

Nico Hülkenberg - 1:41.347 - P10 (FP1): It was very wet out there this morning, and this was pretty much the first wet running for everybody on the Pirellis at a race weekend. I spent the whole session on the same set of wet weather tyres and there was quite a lot to learn. Towards the end of the session the rain got heavier and there was more standing water, which meant the car started aquaplaning. But at least we have done some set-up work in case it stays wet for the rest of the weekend.

Dominic Harlow, Circuit Engineering Director: It has been quite a good Friday for the team with our three drivers contributing to the programme.

In the FP1 session the rain made the circuit quite tricky: conditions were in the most part fairly consistent, but at times some standing water built up at turns two and 11 - this was the case after the red flag. We ran only the wet tyre and worked to find a balance during what was still quite a new experience for us in terms of running on the Pirelli tyres in this weather.

It dried up for the afternoon and, as well as sitting out the morning session, Adrian had to work through an aero test programme, which he did very well. We’ve now got to focus on the data to understand what we have learnt today. For Paul, after trying the new front wing in the morning, it was more about tyre evaluation this afternoon. Nico, once again provided us with a solid baseline and initial set-up evaluation in the wet.

Mercedes GP

The opening practice sessions for the Turkish Grand Prix took place in contrasting conditions at Istanbul Park today. Morning rain saw the teams using Pirelli wet tyres throughout P1 before the track dried out sufficiently for slicks in P2.

 P1 gave Michael and Nico a valuable opportunity to evaluate the car on the wet tyres for the first time since winter testing
 With a dry track in P2, the team completed initial dry tyre evaluations with the hard and soft compounds
 Nico completed 43 laps and finished the day in second place, with Michael completing 39 laps in fourth position

Nico Rosberg - 1.26.521 - P2: “We have made a decent start to the weekend and I am optimistic for tomorrow. We had a productive afternoon and tried a lot of things with the car. I didn’t have too many problems with the tyres on the long run and I was quite surprised by the grip levels, which were higher than I expected. The wet tyres had a lot of grip this morning too. I’m happy with what we learned and expecting a very interesting time tomorrow and on Sunday.”

Michael Schumacher - 1.27.063 - P4: “We had quite a positive Friday, and it was especially good that we were able to test both wet and dry tyres. I hadn´t really driven the wets so I’m pleased that I finally had some opportunity to use them. Also, my sessions were quite eventful with three spins in Turn 11. All in all, our car confirmed the performance improvement from China, so we can look forward to the rest of the weekend. We still have some questions relating to the set-up but I am confident we will sort them out tomorrow.”

Ross Brawn: “We had a reasonably good day and it was nice to get a lot of work done. We had a good opportunity this morning to see what the car was like in the wet conditions. It was also the first time that Michael had really driven the car in the wet, so that’s useful as the conditions this weekend could still be mixed. Then we had a nice dry session this afternoon and completed a lot of work on low and high fuel. The balance of the car isn’t there yet and there is a lot of work ahead, but the team and drivers have worked very well today.”

Norbert Haug: “The morning session in the wet saw Nico and Michael complete 32 laps and the lap times on wet tyres looked quite good. In dry conditions this afternoon, we ran 50 laps and worked through our planned programme. I would not read too much into today´s positions in both sessions; there is more work to do for tomorrow.”

Williams Cosworth

Objectives P1
Evaluation of new aero parts including front wing, rear wing and brake ducts

Objectives P2
Further evaluation of new aero parts including front wing, rear wing and brake ducts
Qualifying set-up work

Sam Michael, Technical Director: This morning was wet so we didn’t start our evaluation of new aero components until second practice. During that session we ran the new rear wing on Rubens’ car and we were pleased to see that it functioned well, with a healthy gain in top speed and no signs of aero separation. We will have a second rear wing for Pastor’s car tomorrow. We also ran a new rear brake duct and new front wings on both cars. All the data from those parts checked out well, with positive driver feedback. So we’ll race everything this weekend. We also investigated a different mechanical set-up with Rubens. Unfortunately before we could run the soft tyre with Rubens we had a KERS water system failure and had to stop his car to investigate due to safety issues. We’re looking into the problem now. We didn’t use KERS all day on Pastor’s car due to a voltage fault early in second practice. With the limited number of parts Pastor will also have to use the old front wing tomorrow after damaging his new front wing in second practice.

Pastor Maldonado - 1.28.828 - P15: It was an unlucky day. It was wet this morning so we decided not to do too many runs. This afternoon we lost a bit of time as the team were fixing the rear end of the car after I crashed at the end of FP1. When we did get out, the speed was there but on the long run I made a mistake and lost the car at the exit of T8 and crashed into the barrier damaging the front wing. However, I know this circuit and the car has improved so I’ll be up there tomorrow!

Rubens Barrichello - 1.28.946 - P16: The new package is promising but we had a KERS water problem which meant our day had to be cut short. It was a pity but we are optimistic as the new front wing, rear wing and other parts were all working well and we were running competitively. Our main objective is to start in the top ten this weekend and that’s definitely realistic.

Marussia Virgin Racing Cosworth

Istanbul Park was the scene of Formula One’s return to the racetrack today after a three-week break in the calendar. The first Free Practice session began in wet conditions as Marussia Virgin Racing rolled out its new upgrade package, with Timo’s MVR-02 featuring the full specification and Jérôme’s car having around 50% of the new elements.

This morning the drivers were only able to complete a total of 26 laps between them due to the wet track conditions. After the first couple of laps Jérôme was already communicating to his engineer that the track was very slippery, while Timo reported massive aquaplaning in some areas of the track. Because of this, both cars were confined to the garage as they waited for the track to improve. They were out again at the end of the session, but a red flag and more rain hampered their progress still further.

The sun finally came out after lunch and with a track temperature of 17°C and an ambient high of 14°C, the conditions improved, allowing Timo to start to evaluate the upgraded MVR-02. He completed 22 laps. At the beginning of the second session Jérôme had a small issue, but he was soon out on track to complete 28 laps.

Timo Glock - 1.31.221 - P21: “The weather has made for a difficult start to the weekend. This morning it was very tricky for everyone as there was a lot of standing water everywhere. In the second session we got a better chance to start evaluating the new package, which was really the priority for today because we knew there would be a lot of work to do. There have been some issues we have had to deal with, especially with the exhausts, and once we work through those we will be better off. Overall we need to look at the data we have gathered now to see what we can learn about the new package because, as we predicted, it’s not easy getting something so new to work straight out of the box.”

Jérôme D’Ambrosio - 1.31.035 - P20: “It was a good day. This morning’s session was obviously disturbed by the rain, which even if it wasn’t great for this weekend’s programme, l can still see it positively as it was the first time I’ve driven the car in the wet; so it was great for me to get an idea of how it feels in those conditions. The afternoon went pretty smoothly. We had a small issue with the power steering and we lost a bit of time and so we couldn’t do everything we wanted, but in the end I think the car feels fine and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

John Booth, Team Principal: “The elements of the upgrade package that we fitted to Jérôme’s car have performed well today, so we’re pleased with the progress there. Timo’s car, with the full package, was always going to be a bigger ‘ask’ because of the complexity of the car at the rear with the new blown exhaust system. It is always difficult coming straight into a race weekend with such a new and complicated package and with no testing to optimise it. As we predicted there have been a few issues to contend with, particularly with the management of the heat from the exhausts. Generally we’ve made a good start on Jérôme’s side but we have yet to realise the full performance potential of the wider package with Timo. We have a lot of work to do and a lot of data to look through to see how we can extract more from the package.”


This Friday was affected by changeable weather conditions, with rain in the morning, while drivers were able to run in the dry this afternoon. This meant that in the morning, it was possible to check the balance of the car in the wet, while in the afternoon, the team could go into a deeper evaluation of the new aerodynamic components brought to this track. Between them, the two Scuderia Ferrari drivers completed 91 laps, 40 for Fernando and 51 for Felipe.

Fernando Alonso - 1.28.069 - P11: “These two sessions were very different one to the other, because of the change in the weather. It was useful to do some running in the wet because there is a chance that it might rain again at some point tomorrow. We tried various new solutions and now we have to evaluate them carefully to see what worked and what did not. I had a hydraulic problem which cost me some time in the pits at the start of the second session. That contributed to the fact it’s difficult for me to give a precise evaluation of tyre behaviour. Then, I also had a spin, when I was being too optimistic in my use of the moveable rear wing. For sure this track puts a heavy load on the tyres: it will be interesting to see what happens in the race. I think we have made progress, but there are various teams that are quicker than us. We have to try and do our best, putting together the best package made up of new components and those we have used before to try and get all the potential out of the car.”

Felipe Massa - 1.27.340 - P06: “From what I could see, we have made a step forward in terms of performance, but we are not yet close enough to the best. It is always difficult to say how much progress one has made after just two free practice sessions: we will have to wait for qualifying to get a clearer picture. We are working very hard to catch up and I think we are on the right road, but the others are definitely not standing still. For example, Mercedes seems to have made a significant step forward here. Would I prefer a wet race? Sure, if it turns out we are not competitive then the rain would open up more possibilities, but it could also go well in the dry and it does seem as though the weather is improving. This is a very demanding circuit, but I really like driving here because there are so many different types of corner.”

Pat Fry: “It’s always difficult to say what the real order is after Friday’s free practice sessions and that is even more the case when one of them takes place in the wet, as was the case today. At least this morning we were able to get a first impression of the balance and handling of our car on both types of rain tyre. However, we didn’t do that many laps because the weather forecast for the rest of the weekend is still uncertain, therefore we have to try and manage the few sets of tyres available to us as well as possible. In the afternoon, we concentrated mainly on evaluating new aerodynamic components and, as usual, comparing the two types of dry tyre. Unfortunately, we lost at least half an hour with Fernando, because of an hydraulic problem and so the Spaniard was not exactly in the best of shape to get the most out of the soft tyres. As for Felipe, he managed to get through the entire planned programme. Some of the new elements, like the rear wing for example, immediately showed good results, while others, such as the floor and the front wing, still need further careful evaluation.”

Red Bull Renault

Mark Webber - 1.27.149 - P05: “We learned quite a lot today. It’s a pretty challenging venue here with the new regulations – so it was tricky for us all with the weather this morning. We had to fit a lot of our planned work in to this afternoon, but it went smoothly. Sebastian had an issue this morning which could happen to any of us; it just shows you can lose a session very easily. The team will share the data that we gathered this afternoon. KERS worked pretty well this afternoon – each time we use it we get more experience so, so far so good.”

Sebastian Vettel: “There wasn’t much I could do to stop the car from hitting the wall this morning – but the most important thing is that I’m fine. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the car ready in time for this afternoon’s session, as there was too much damage, so I’m sorry to the guys. It makes things a bit more difficult, but I don’t think it will be a problem, we know the track well from other years and, in the end, it was only one
afternoon that we have lost. I’m still confident – it looks pretty close. I was able to watch the times today, which was something different.”

Lotus Renault GP

Nick and Vitaly kicked off their Turkish campaigns today as free practice got underway at Istanbul Park Circuit.

Nick was able to trial the extreme wets for the first time today - There were no major issues reported. By the time we had an opportunity to fit intermediates in P1, the track was too wet to make sensible use of them. Following the pattern of the first three races, our car is looking increasingly competitive as the qualifying session approaches and the programmes of the various teams point towards a maximum performance with a low fuel load. Based on what we have seen today, we would expect our drivers to earn a place in an increasingly competitive Q3 and then go on to both score good points in the race.

James Allison, Technical Director: Like all the teams, Friday work is focused on race preparation rather than maximising qualifying performance. It was tricky to read too much from this morning’s times. The rain ebbed and flowed throughout the session and the pace of the competitors varied accordingly. We were pleased to get through the session unscathed. The afternoon session was a more regular affair. We appear to be more or less where we have been on a Friday in the first three races of the season. We ran our new tyres early in the session and ran relatively long stints on heavy fuel in the second half of the session

Nick Heidfeld - 1:28.475 - P13: “It was good to finally get an experience of the wet conditions by using the extreme wet tyres, because I haven’t used them before in testing properly. That went quite well I have to say. We didn’t want to destroy them – as we hadn’t tested them before, we didn’t know how long they would survive and the forecast was still not clear for Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately we didn’t get into a position to be able to drive the intermediates. Then, as the second session was completely dry we were able to completely focus on our programme, which was to get a long run in towards the end, whilst having a high fuel load.”

Vitaly Petrov - 1:27.517 - P07: “It was a bit difficult today with the weather conditions. We didn’t use inter tyres in the first session which was a pity. We wanted to save tyres, which is why we only had 10 laps. In P2 we knew it would stay dry. We need to be happy with today. As expected, we achieved quicker lap times and there’s still some more in the car. Judging by our performance in P2, I think there are encouraging signs ahead for the rest of the weekend.”

HRT F1 Cosworth

On the first day of practice sessions in Istanbul Park, the drivers went up against a mix of weather conditions, with a wet track due to the rain. Both Hispania Racing cars came out in the first session with wet tyres. In the afternoon session, the track dried up thanks to the sun that made itself present now and again and the drivers were able to try out the soft range tyres.

Narain finished the morning in 20th place with a best time of 1:48.461 during his 8 laps and the afternoon he ran 29 laps finishing in 22nd with a time of 1:31.320. Tonio got through 20 laps in the morning finishing in 16th position clocking a best time of 1:44.787, in the afternoon he finished in 23rd posting a best time of 1:31.989 after 30 laps.
Colin Kolles, Hispania Racing Team Principal: “I’m confident that we took a step forward today. It’s a shame that Tonio wasn’t able to put a lap together on the soft tyres but he did a good job on the prime tyres. I think that tomorrow we will look even better and, as I said before, we’ve taken another step forward”.

Narain Karthikeyan - 1.31.320 - P22: “We tried our updates out today, with the first session being wet we obviously couldn’t evaluate much but after the second session it’s clear that the updates are a positive improvement. The team is going in the right direction. Today we worked on the mechanical balance of the car and now we have to take a look at the data to see if we improved. Personally, I need to get some laps under my belt on this track because last time I came in 2005 it was an absolute disaster, I experienced a lot of mechanical problems. So bit by bit it’s getting better. Unfortunately I didn’t get a good run on the option tyres but the primes were fine. I think the options will be quicker in the race”.

Vitantonio Liuzzi - 1.31.989 - P23: “Today we had a decent day of testing. The morning was good as it was my first chance to try out this specific car with the Pirelli tyres in wet conditions, so I got some good data and strung together some good laps. In the afternoon we did a good amount of laps, we needed to understand a few things about our new updates so we had to re-balance the car and work on the set-up meaning that in the end, with the option tyres, we couldn’t do much as there was a lot of traffic and yellow flags. But, all in all, we’ve come away with good data to work with tomorrow”.


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