Hopeful quartet awaits news from Lotus camp

"Kimi would be a great and very strong teammate"


5 December 2011 - 08:25
Hopeful quartet awaits news from (…)

Bruno Senna is in the running among at least another trio of rivals to become Kimi Raikkonen’s race teammate at Lotus in 2012.

One of them is Adrian Sutil, who thinks that after his best ever season with Force India, it is "absurd" that he has not already been offered a new contract.

"Yes, I totally agree," he told F1’s official website, adding that he would happily switch to Renault and have 2007 world champion Raikkonen as his new teammate.

"Kimi would be a great and very strong teammate," he said.

Previously thought the strongest contender for a Lotus seat next year, the Genii-managed GP2 champion Romain Grosjean will test BMW’s new DTM car in Spain this week.

"I dream of returning to racing in F1," the Frenchman is quoted by Finland’s Turun Sanomat, "and especially with Kimi it could be something really special in terms of my career."

Another contender is Vitaly Petrov, who actually has a valid contract for 2012. But the Russian and his manager Oksana Kosachenko have admitted that paperwork is not everything in the world of formula one.

"Of course I was surprised and of course I’m disappointed," he is quoted by Germany’s Sport1, referring to the fact that the Raikkonen signing triggered speculation about his own future.

Petrov told the Race of Champions website he is hoping for news in "a few days".

"Next year I would do another step and, together with Kimi in one team, it would be good fun," he said.

"He is experienced and I want very much to be part of this team."

According to the words of team owner Gerard Lopez, however, a change of approach for 2012 sounds the most likely route for Lotus.

"We’ve given some drivers the chance to shine. I think they have done ok, but have not all lived up to expectations, but it’s difficult because it’s formula one," he said.


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