Ferrari must open base in England - Briatore

"I’ve said it for years"


20 September 2016 - 15:09
Ferrari must open base in England - (…)

Sebastian Vettel is struggling amid the current situation at Ferrari, according to a respected Italian journalist.

"Frankly, despite the comeback (in Singapore), Seb is not at all convincing," Giorgio Terruzzi said.

"I don’t know why, but he seems a little lifeless."

Ferrari and Vettel started the season high in confidence, but it is the cool Finn Kimi Raikkonen who seems the least disturbed at present.

Flavio Briatore, the well-known former Renault chief, thinks he knows the solution.

"I’ve said it for years, that while Ferrari has always been a great manufacturer, it must have a technology antenna in England," he told Italian radio Rai.

"They won when they took 12 engineers away from me at Renault, so I would put a nice building in the middle of Red Bull, McLaren and Williams," Briatore added.

Briatore also talked about the F1 takeover by Liberty Media, saying the deal for now is "very strange".

"They have paid only 700 million, the rest of the money will be when changes are made but no one is talking about the F1 product," said the Italian.

"Among the teams there will be a showdown, everything is to be reviewed but nobody cares about an F1 that no longer attracts and has strange rules that no one understands," Briatore added.

"It’s not a good platform when only one team wins and all the others lose. There are only three teams: now it’s normal for Vettel to finish fifth from the last row.

"In my opinion, the Americans should open their wallets and try to fix the product. After that, they need to keep Bernie (Ecclestone)," he said.


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