FIA presidency was beyond Vatanen - Mosley

"It’s so much more complex than when I took over"


23 April 2010 - 16:43
FIA presidency was beyond Vatanen - (…)

Max Mosley was relieved at the outcome of last year’s FIA presidency elections, because he thinks the job was "completely beyond" Ari Vatanen.

After his long reign, Mosley’s preferred successor Jean Todt was voted in, in the wake of a bitter campaign against the former world rally champion Vatanen.

Asked by a reader how he would have felt had Vatanen won office, Mosley told the latest edition of the British magazine F1 Racing: "I’d have been very worried, because I think Jean, with all his ability, is finding it quite a struggle.

"It’s so much more complex than when I took over (in 1993), and I think it would’ve been completely beyond Ari."

In the same feature, 70-year-old Mosley also renewed his attack on Ferrari and its president Luca di Montezemolo, who were at the centre of last year’s political war over control of the sport.

The Briton described Montezemolo as a "very weak character" who is "easily led", and said Ferrari objected to his budget cap proposal because the team would "fail" if forced to spend the same money as its rivals.

"If the fans really understood the issues, I don’t think they would be against me, because everything I’ve ever done has always been done with a view to keeping formula one going and stopping it collapsing," said Mosley.


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