Di Resta confirms Friday practice status

Set to test the VJM03 at Jerez in February


9 February 2010 - 17:26
Di Resta confirms Friday practice status

Speaking at the launch of the new Force India Mercedes challenger, new test and reserve drive Paul di Resta confirmed that he will take part in some Friday practice sessions this year and that he is scheduled to test the VJM03 for the first time later this month.

"2010 is going to be a different year for my test and reserve role," the Scotsman said. "I’m going to be participating in a number of the Friday free practice sessions, getting involved throughout the weekend

"Also I’ll be involved in the teams meetings and all the other parts should I need to step up into a race seat."

While he will travel to each Grand Prix this year, di Resta also expects to compete in the German Touring Car series with Mercedes.

"I’ll be involved in the DTM as I have been for the past three years," he explained. "It’s just to keep my hand in a race drive, keep me sharp."

As to when he will test the new F1 challenger for the first time, he revealed that he will be joining the third pre-season group test next week.

"I’m hoping to be in it on the 17th of February at Jerez so I’m excited to get in the car and work to try and improve it," he concluded.


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