Charles Pic to receive post-race time penalty at Singapore

The Marussia driver will incur a 20-second post-race penalty


22 September 2012 - 23:13
Charles Pic to receive post-race (…)

Charles Pic has been issued a post-race time penalty for the Singapore Grand Prix, after the French rookie overtook another car during a red flag period after previously passing no less than four red lights/flags. Pic and his team engineer will also be required to perform one day’s Community Service for FIA Action for Road Safety campaign.

The incident occurred during the closing stages of the third and final practice session yesterday, after Vitaly Petrov hit the wall and spun at the entrance to the pit-lane. This caused the session to end under red flag conditions, however the Marussia of Charles Pic mistakingly overtook another competitor, after already passing four red flags/lights which line the Marina Bay street circuit.

The resulting penalty will most likely see Charles Pic finish the Singapore Grand Prix in last position, seeing as the Marussia duo have spent the majority of the season fighting at the back of the pack with the HRTs and Caterhams. Due to the 20 second post-race timed penalty imposed on the Frenchman, he’ll be lucky to finish ahead of his nearest competitors especially with the HRTs continuously improving.

“Penalty of 20 seconds to be added to the driver’s race time and in addition the driver and his team engineer to perform 1 day’s Community Service for FIA Action for Road Safety campaign at the instruction of the FIA President.” Read a statement issued by the FIA after the incident, outlining Charles Pic’s penalty. The former GP2 driver, who ‘graduated’ from the feeder series for this season, has taken full responsibility for the error.

“With regard to the penalty imposed by the FIA after FP3, I have seen the information and I would like to say that I completely agree with it.” Admitted Charles Pic, “It was a mistake on my part and I will use the experience wisely.”

Charles Pic will start the Singapore Grand Prix from 22nd on the grid, after being out-qualified by his vastly experienced team-mate of Timo Glock.

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