Buemi wants to bounce back

"The result was not that good on Sunday"

By Franck Drui

12 April 2011 - 07:54
Buemi wants to bounce back

After a points finish in Melbourne, Sébastien Buemi was hoping to do the same in Sepang, but it was not to be. We caught up with our Swiss driver after the race for his thoughts on a hot weekend and how he thinks we can do in a cooler China:

"The result was not that good on Sunday, but it was still a positive weekend, because we qualified twelfth and thirteenth and were really close to the Mercedes, who we can now clearly say are our competitors in the midfield, along with Sauber, Williams and Force India. Unfortunately, the Hamilton penalty saw Kobayashi get an extra point so that Sauber has moved ahead of us which means we are now sixth in the Constructors’ championship.

"During the race I had an issue at my pit stop when I enabled and immediately disabled the pit lane speed limiter, so I had to take a penalty. Now, even if there is not much time, we need to see what we can learn before China from the Malaysian data so as to improve. We will have some updates coming for Shanghai, even if they are not major ones and I hope they will see us in a position to put up a good fight against our mid field opponents. We mustn’t get downhearted after one bad race, we need to keep our heads up and fight back in China.

"Between now and being back in the car in Shanghai on Friday, I plan to relax a bit on Monday and Tuesday before heading off to Shanghai on Wednesday, when I will shift my focus totally to the next race thinking about what we can do to improve on this last weekend’s performance. I definitely want to do better than I did last year in Shanghai, given that Liuzzi drove into my car pretty much breaking it into two so I had to retire on the first lap. I prefer to remember the year before that when I finished in the points in eighth place after qualifying in Q3."


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