Alonso not keen on future as team boss

"I think I will prefer to spend the weekends having fun"


7 March 2011 - 08:22
Alonso not keen on future as team boss

Fernando Alonso doubts he will one day sit on the formula one pitwall as a team boss.

The 29-year-old Spaniard is set for a long and happy tenure with Ferrari, but was asked by the Marca sports daily if he is already thinking about life beyond the cockpit.

Asked if team management might be an option, Alonso answered: "Today I would say no, because what I like is to drive.

"But it will be hard to leave F1 one day because I’ve been driving all my life," he added.

But when he does decide to retire, Alonso explains: "I think I will prefer to spend the weekends having fun in a kart rather than doing some other job."

The two-time world champion said F1 drivers’ "greatest sacrifice" is to "dedicate our first 30 or 40 years exclusively" to racing.

He said supporting a talented young driver, or working on race driver education at his own kart track in Asturias, might also be options for his future.


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