Threat of rain for the final day in the Azores

The stages are generally narrow and slippery in the wet

By Franck Drui

14 July 2011 - 08:34
Threat of rain for the final day in (…)

Crews contesting this week’s Sata Rallye Açores, round six of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge, could be in for a shock when the event concludes on Saturday.

Although the forecast is mainly for sunshine, albeit with patches of cloud on Friday, there is a 60 per cent chance of isolated showers on the final day of the island contest.

While the rain won’t be anywhere near as heavy as in 2009 when a couple of stages had to be axed due to a sudden downpour, it could yet influence the outcome of the rally.

“The stages range from extremely twisty to very fast, but they are generally narrow and slippery in the wet,” said Bruno Magalhães, the winner in the Azores last season.

Even if it rains on Saturday, ambient temperatures will hover between 20 and 21 degrees centigrade.


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