Barrable not giving up in battle to be top Irish finisher

"We’re not going to give up"

By Franck Drui

7 April 2012 - 16:13
Barrable not giving up in battle to (…)

Robert Barrable says he won’t be giving up in the battle to finish as the top Irish driver on the Donnelly Group Circuit of Ireland Rally, round three of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge.

Barrable, in a ŠKODA Ireland Fabia Super 2000, slipped behind countryman Craig Breen to sixth position at the completion of the second Hollow stage. He will begin the final loop of four stages trailing his Peugeot 207 S2000-driving rival by 3.8s.

He said: “We’re not going to give up on it and we’re fighting hard. We want to be the top Irish driver but we do not want to be the fool of the Irish. My overshoot this morning has cost me but Craig is driving very well.”

Breen said: “We’ve made some big, big steps with the car and the pace has moved up. The confidence is still not quite there but it’s going well so far.”

Stage 12, Lisburn 1, is scheduled to begin at 16:00hrs. The town centre stage measures 1.06 kilometres in length and will be run twice.


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