Valsecchi disappointed with Chandhok drive

"The team felt Malaysia-China is a better option for me"


25 March 2011 - 05:14
Valsecchi disappointed with Chandhok (…)

Davide Valsecchi has admitted he was disappointed to miss out on Team Lotus’ Friday driving duties in Melbourne.

The Italian and GP2 driver was initially selected to drive in Jarno Trulli’s car in initial practice, but Karun Chandhok was signed at the last minute.

Finland’s Turun Sanomat reports that Valsecchi has now been promised a green T128 cockpit for first practice in Malaysia and China.

But he admits he was disappointed with the Chandhok news.

"It was all agreed and I flew such a long trip to Australia, so of course (I was disappointed)," he said.

"But the team felt Malaysia-China is a better option for me, because Albert Park is not a good place for a newcomer."

Ultimately, Chandhok crashed Trulli’s car within three corners of his out-lap early on Friday in Australia, and the team confirmed it had not been caused by a technical fault.

"Got the car back, a lot less damage than we expected so should be ready for Jarno in FP2," said Mike Gascoyne on Twitter.


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