Todt discusses F1 with Bolivian president

About Dakar’s benefits ?


20 September 2010 - 10:44
Todt discusses F1 with Bolivian (…)

FIA president Jean Todt has visited Bolivia.

The Prensa Latina news agency said the Frenchman met with Evo Morales, the president of the landlocked country in central South America.

Reuters said they had met at the presidential palace in La Paz, Bolivia’s administrative capital.

The Bolivian news agency ABI reported that they discussed international road safety, formula one and other motor sport categories and a possible visit for Morales to a forthcoming FIA-sanctioned event.

Todt was quoted as acknowledging Morales’ vowing to "work together" with the FIA.

The state newspaper Cambio said the former Ferrari boss pointed out the benefits of the 2011 Dakar Rally passing through the city of Potosi.

Other reports said Todt recently visited Equador, and will also be travelling to Peru, Chile and Paraguay.


Formula 1 news

