Teams to discuss spare car revival - Domenicali

After Fernando Alonso had to sit out qualifying


18 May 2010 - 10:28
Teams to discuss spare car revival - (…)

Stefano Domenicali has raised the possibility that the ban on spare cars may be overturned.

Fernando Alonso had to sit out qualifying for last weekend’s Monaco grand prix because his chassis was written off in a practice crash.

It meant he started the race from last place in the pitlane.

The availability of complete spare cars was banned a few years ago as a cost-saving measure.

Now, teams may transport spare monocoques to races and build up a new car in the event that one is damaged. But in Alonso’s situation, there simply was not enough time.

Ferrari team boss Domenicali said he agrees with cutting costs, but argues that in the case of banning spare cars, "you lose value in other ways".

"You cannot leave the spectators without the possibility of enjoying one of the biggest stars in qualifying," he is quoted by Spain’s Diario AS newspaper.

"We will discuss it with the other teams to see if we can change it (the rule)," said the Italian

Quoted by Italy’s Tuttosport, Domenicali added: "Nothing has been decided, but I hope it happens soon."


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