Shanghai - Team reaction after Free practices 1 & 2

All the information you need

By Franck Drui

15 April 2011 - 13:34
Shanghai - Team reaction after Free (…)

Toro Rosso Ferrari

Sebastien Buemi - 1.39.771 - P13: “The morning session went really well, as I was able to do a lot of laps and I was happy with how the car behaved. We got through quite a full job list and then after lunch, we had a productive time, doing a comparison between the hard and the soft tyres. Unfortunately, a small issue on the car towards the end meant I was unable to finish my long run, but Jaime was still doing his, so we will have the data from that to work with. It is hard to evaluate our pace and it looks as though at the moment, Force India is quicker than us. Now, we have the whole night to see what we can do to make the car quicker. They have resurfaced several sections, especially at the first corner where they have managed to get rid of a very big bump and there are a few other sections that are now smoother. It is clear that we are seeing less tyre degradation than in Malaysia, which is

Daniel Ricciardo - 1.41.752 (FP1) - P16: “I last drove here in Formula BMW in 2006, supporting the F1 event and it was wet, so I reckon I was lapping about one minute slower than today! With a third practice session under my belt, all the procedures I have to work through are becoming more second nature now. My first two runs went well and I felt I was fairly competitive. Then, my final run on new tyres was affected by a small problem, when I was looking to set a faster time. My initial impression is that the balance of the car is competitive when looking at the other cars around us and it seems that tyre degradation here should be lower than in Malaysia, so I think Seb and Jaime should be able to have a good weekend.”
First Practice Session
Best lap 1.41.752, pos. 16th, 20 laps

Jaime Alguersuari - 1.39.828 - P15: “Even though I only ran this afternoon, we have already spotted several areas where we can improve the car for the rest of the weekend. In terms of car set-up, although there is room for improvement, the car felt good right from the beginning in terms of balance. As for my lap times, I got traffic on my fastest lap. Tyre degradation is a bit less than in Malaysia, so hopefully we can concentrate more on the car and get a better qualifying performance out of it. Finding more grip will be another job to work on for tomorrow. The track is less bumpy than last year thanks to some resurfacing and in general I think that also helped the tyre degradation situation and, as usual, the track is good fun to drive.”

Red Bull Renault

Sebastian Vettel - 1.37.688 - P1: “We had a good day today, but it’s only Friday and so it’s early in the race weekend. We found a good rhythm and we’re happy with the car. There’s still a lot to do and I think it will be tight tomorrow and on Sunday, so we’ll look where we can improve. But, today we had no big issues.”

Mark Webber - 1.39.327 - P10: “I didn’t have the best P2, particularly on the short run with the new tyres, which is why my time is down a little, but the long run on the option tyre was good. We’ll look at KERS tonight – we’d like to run it this weekend of course. Generally it was a good Friday, we learned a lot and the car was reliable.”

Sauber Ferrari

On a day when there was heavy smog and a slippery surface at the Shanghai International Circuit, both free practice sessions for the Chinese Grand Prix were trouble free for the Sauber F1 Team. In the morning Kamui Kobayashi and Sergio Pérez tested various items on their Sauber C30-Ferraris. In the second session it was the normal race preparation.

Kamui Kobayashi - 1.39.538 - P11: “Overall we had a reasonable pace today, but I think we can improve. We need some time to get a better set-up and adjust the balance. The grip level was very low, especially at the beginning of the day. The track is quite dusty and some parts have new tarmac, which was quite tricky. I did a long run with the soft tyres and they were all right.”

Sergio Pérez - 1.39.953 - P17: “I think we have collected a lot of information today for us to analyse tonight, and this is especially from the long runs. I guess we can improve, in particular for qualifying when you need to put a single lap together. I also hope to improve in myself as, after catching a cold from the air conditioning, I haven’t felt well since the race in Malaysia, but it is getting better.”

James Key, Technical Director: “Free practice one kicked off with different test items for each driver. We ran through some aerodynamic tests and gathered some useful data. In performance terms this session wasn’t very useful, because the track had low grip and we only ran one set of tyres on each car. In the afternoon we used four new sets of tyres and went through some set up changes to the cars in race spec. I think there is a bit of work to do on the balance of the car in sector one and, although we improved that sector a bit, it is a weak point from what we can see. I think Kamui’s time would have been better, but he made a small mistake at the end of the lap, and Sergio’s lap just didn’t quite come together, so we shall have to look at that for the soft tyre. Otherwise the cars ran reliably, but the balance here is different compared to the other two races, so it is a moving target.”

Team Lotus Renault

Luiz Razia - 1.44.542 (FP1) - P23: "It was good to get back in the car and even though the suspension issue brought the session to an earlier end than we would have liked I could still feel that the car has taken a step forward since I last drove it in Barcelona. I was taking it steadily, aiming to bring the lap times down and give the team some useful feedback so it’s a shame I couldn’t complete the plan, but that’s racing."

Heikki Kovalainen - 1.40.476 - p18: "It’s good to get through the whole day with no reliability issues and hopefully that sets us up well for the weekend ahead. The car had a good balance this morning but this afternoon the changes we made maybe didn’t take us in the right direction so I wasn’t quite as comfortable in FP2. I had a few issues with traffic on my performance run which meant I couldn’t get everything out of it but having had a clear day we’ll put in the work tonight as see where we are tomorrow."

Jarno Trulli - 1.41.482 - P19: "Clearly it’s good that I had a trouble free afternoon but I am struggling a bit with the balance to be honest. We’ll work on that tonight with the data we’ve generated today and with another clear session tomorrow we should be able to pick up where we left off in Malaysia."

Thierry Salvi, Renault Sport F1 Support Leader: "That was a good Friday engine-wise. We were able to set up the engines according to the driver requests and we worked through a program that tested a number of maps and the feedback we have had is good. We have definitely taken another step on from Sepang and as the ambient conditions here are less severe than in Malaysia the engine is consequently under less stress so I think we should be able to continue the progress through qualifying and into the race and maximise our performance across the weekend."

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: "That was a far more productive Friday than we have had in the two previous races this season and I think it is a measure of our increased competitiveness that we are actually a little disappointed with the overall pace. We ran Luiz Razia this morning and he did a good job for the team, despite having a suspension problem that brought his run to a premature end. With the race drivers we completed the full programme on each car but traffic interrupted both their runs on the soft tyres so we are a little disappointed that we were not able to show more pace that we know is in the cars. The tyres are working pretty well here - we have found our way around the warm up issues, so while today is satisfying in terms of reliability, there is definitely more to come tomorrow and we want to be pushing towards Q2."

Riad Asmat, Chief Executive Officer: "I think that was a pretty good day for the team. We put in the laps and have accumulated some good data on the tyres so I think we’re in good shape for tomorrow and Sunday."

Mercedes GP

Nico Rosberg and Michael Schumacher were back in action today as the first two practice sessions ahead of the third race of the season, the Chinese Grand Prix, took place today at the Shanghai International Circuit.

 The focus for P1 was on aerodynamic evaluations and gaining an initial understanding of the set-up and tyres

 P2 focused on further tyre work and race preparation, combined with shorter qualifying-style runs

 Nico completed 57 laps and finished in P4 on the timesheets with Michael totalling 52 laps in P5

Nico Rosberg - 1.37.943- P4: “Today we made a small step forward, particularly this morning where we learnt some positive things with the car compared to Malaysia. The balance was quite good today, and I really enjoy driving this track. We don’t really know where we are right now, and of course what everyone was doing, but today’s running gives me hope for an improved performance tomorrow.”

Michael Schumacher - 1.38.105 - P5:
“We’ve had a good working day here during the first outings on the Shanghai track. We have changed our working approach this weekend, and I think this has paid off. We concentrated mainly on high fuel loads, and it seems we can find the set-up better than starting from low fuel. The long runs were good in my view which is clearly an improvement on the first two races. There is room for further improvement so I look forward to understanding what we can achieve in qualifying.”

Ross Brawn: “We’ve had a reasonable day and achieved all of the work that we had planned for both cars. The engineers and drivers did a good job between the two sessions to improve the balance and everything ran smoothly. It’s good to start the weekend with a positive day so we will see how we can continue to progress from here.”

Norbert Haug: “Certainly a more constructive Friday than we have experienced during the last two races, and a good amount of running for both Michael and Nico. For part of the session, Michael’s KERS was not operational which cost him lap time. We will rectify this problem for tomorrow. On Saturday and Sunday, we will learn whether and how much we have improved.”

Williams Cosworth

Sam Michael, Technical Director: After a productive morning with both cars, we had some issues with the
new exhaust system we’re running on Rubens’ FW33 in the second session.
We’ll now review the data to decide whether or not to race it. That
aside, we covered good mileage on the Option tyre which has given us
some solid data for the race. We will fit new engines in both cars for

Pastor Maldonado - 1.39.667 - P12: Today went well and we’ve learnt a lot. I did lots of miles which is useful because this is my first time at this circuit. The car felt good, especially on the long runs in P2. We don’t know where the others are or what fuel they’re running, but I think we’re looking better here than we were in Malaysia.

Ruben Barrichello - 1.39.925 - P16: We were testing new parts on my car in practice today. They seemed to lose a little bit of performance towards the end of the last session though which means we’ll have to work hard to evaluate them properly. We need to go through the data to see whether we will keep to this plan or go back to the original one.

McLaren Mercedes

Lewis Hamilton - 1.37.854 - P2: "It’s been a busy day today. The car wasn’t too bad at the end of this afternoon’s session - and I was able to get a decent laptime despite not feeling totally comfortable with the car.

"We’ve been struggling a little bit with the set-up. It doesn’t feel
like the car’s performing in all the areas we expected: we need to see
whether the issue with the car’s balance is down to the upgrade or just
an unsatisfactory set-up.

"It does feel like we’ve found some further improvements since
Malaysia, and we’ll spend this evening looking at what elements of the
new package we choose to take forward into the rest of the weekend."

Jenson Button - 1.37.935 - P3: "This morning was reasonably good and the car was working well - it’s a good car to drive. For the afternoon, we tried a few things and didn’t really improve the balance of the car, so we’re going to look at why the changes didn’t really give us the improvement we expected.

"The car felt reasonably strong on the Prime tyre but less so on the
Option. So it’s not been a perfect afternoon but we have a lot of
information on the changes we made, so we can hopefully work on
improving the set-up tomorrow.

"It’s not as hot as it was in Malaysia, so I don’t think the tyres will
be as much of an issue to look after as they were in Malaysia. If we
sort out the balance tomorrow, we’ll be closer to Red Bull."

Martin Whitmarsh, Team Principal: "It was a productive day - we spent the morning conducting aerodynamic tests and we limited each driver to just one set of Prime tyres. That helped us draw some productive conclusions as we evaluate this weekend’s suite of upgrades and decide what to progress and what will need more development.

"This afternoon was a bit more frustrating: neither Lewis nor Jenson
really found a satisfactory balance. They didn’t feel as comfortable as
we hoped they would be.

"But we’ve got some very good information and, as always, I think our
engineers will take every opportunity to look over that and turn it into
something productive for tomorrow."

Force India Mercedes

Adrian Sutil - 1.38.735 - P7: The first session was really good; everybody worked well today and I am really happy and could concentrate on the normal Friday things like improving my car, set-up wise. We were not that far off straight away and after the first couple of laps I felt very confident in the car. With a hard set of tyres the car the balance was fine and feeling wise there was much more stability this weekend, so our upgrade might have helped. The soft tyre worked without problems. The long run seemed to be quite good so yes, another one like this tomorrow and I’ll be happy!

Paul Di Resta - 1.41.610 (FP1) - P15: We got a little bit of an idea of where the car was in FP1, but obviously its crucial to try and take part in FP2. I think that I am a little more disadvantaged than I have been at any other grand prix now because effectively I have lost three sets of tyres and the important part where you try to do a bit of qualy and race simulation. The guys are working hard, so hopefully we can catch up on some lost ground tomorrow morning.

Nico Hülkenberg - 1.41.494 - P13: Again, I have to say another positive Friday. I am very happy with my session. We had some good running on the track here today and got through our programme of some nice test items, so I am quite pleased with how it went.

Dominic Harlow, circuit engineering director: During the morning’s session Paul was evaluating the aero update brought for this event, which appears to be behaving as expected. Nico was driving the VJM4-04 today and during a busy morning he completed a very useful programme. Paul had some KERS problems and the circuit was dusty to start, but otherwise it was a normal start to the weekend. Just before the start of FP2 however, we found a fuel pressure problem with Paul’s car, and despite the team’s best efforts to resolve it we were unable to get the car back on track in the time available. The cars are increasingly complex now with the extra systems on board, and the work involved to complete the job was too much. It was frustrating, but the issue is now eliminated and we will make up for the lost track time as best possible in the remaining practice sessions. Adrian was in the car for FP2 and completed a good programme where the engineers worked hard and improved the balance of the car as well as collecting useful data. We hope we can turn these steps into a competitive qualifying performance tomorrow.


It was a busy and complicated Friday for Scuderia Ferrari. The day’s programme was based around an aerodynamic investigation that had begun last week in Sepang, along with the evaluation of a few new components. Apart from that, the job list also included the usual menu for the first two practice sessions, namely finding the best set-up and on an evaluation of the two types of tyre brought here by Pirelli. An hydraulic problem meant Fernando Alonso was unable to complete his planned programme, limiting his mileage in the first session, but above all in the second.

Felipe Massa - 1.38.507 - P6: “As was already the case in the first two races of the season, today we witnessed a very fast Red Bull. I am reasonably pleased with the handling of the car over a long run, which produced some interesting results. I am hoping for a better qualifying, but we know it will be very difficult, while from what we have seen today, I think the situation in the race could be similar to what we saw in Malaysia. Fernando used some new parts but it is too soon to say if they really represent progress: unfortunately, he had problems and did not manage to do as much as was scheduled. The soft tyres seem much better than the hards: not only do they give more grip, which is normal, but also the degradation is not as high as we have seen before. Over the years, I find it even more enjoyable coming here to Shanghai: at the start it was all a bit chaotic, but now the situation has improved and, as is the case in my home country, Brazil a lot of effort is going into making progress in many areas and that can be clearly seen.”

Fernando Alonso - 1.39.779 - P14: “I lost valuable time because of a hydraulic problem, in both sessions, but most of all in the second one. Unfortunately, I did not manage to do any long run testing to get an idea of the tyre degradation, but fortunately, Felipe managed to do that on both types, so at least we have a good basis to start from. As for the new aerodynamic components, it is too early to say if they really produce an advantage. The engineers will now have to study the data carefully, before drawing any definite conclusions as to whether or not we are moving in the right direction in terms of development. From the little I could see, there are no problems – or at least they are very slight – in terms of warm up on the hard tyres, which could be an improvement for managing the tyres in qualifying. I don’t expect much to change from what we saw in Malaysia and Australia: McLaren and especially Red Bull are quicker than us and are favourites. At the moment we are not capable of fighting for the win, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be trying.”

Pat Fry: “I think we had more problems today in three hours than we had in the whole fifteen days of winter testing. A shame, because we needed to cover some distance, especially with Fernando, who was experimenting with the latest aerodynamic solutions that they have come up with in Maranello. We will try and make a virtue of necessity and carry out the job of analysing the data with the data we managed to gather. The hydraulic problems on car number 5 stem from the same fault, a defective component and we will take action to fix it for the rest of the weekend. Luckily, Felipe had no problems and was able to run continuously, doing long runs on both types of tyre. We will aim to be as well prepared as possible for qualifying and the race, but I don’t think we can expect anything very much different to what we have seen in the first two Grands Prix of the season.”

Marussia Virgin Racing Cosworth

Only five days after the last race in Malaysia, the Marussia Virgin
Racing cars were out on track again, this time for the first two
practice sessions of the Chinese Grand Prix. With a warmer than usual
air temperature of 26°C and track temperature of 30°C, both Timo Glock
and Jérôme D’Ambrosio left the garage straight away to complete their
installation laps and radio checks. They both reported the track was
very dirty and green, as expected, and so the team kept to the plan to
wait until there was more rubber down.

Forty minutes into the first session Jérôme posted his first timed
lap of the weekend. Unfortunately, Timo had to wait a bit longer due to
a mechanical problem with the rear of his car. He was only able to take
to the track in anger with 10 minutes of the session remaining, albeit
with the asphalt providing more grip than at the start. Timo was
restricted to 11 laps this morning, ending up 22nd on the timing sheet.
Jérôme was classified 20th with 20 laps under his belt.

In the afternoon both drivers were out again as the lights turned
green. Jérôme was able to use the second ninety-minute session of the
day to complete long runs and tyre degradation tests, before switching
to the Option tyre for his final run. Unfortunately he was never going
to set a representative time as the team were aware that he had picked
up floor damage as he went into the run. Nonetheless he was able to
achieve 34 laps to gather important data. While Jérôme was out on
track, Timo was mostly confined to the garage due to an engine problem,
and he was unable to complete his programme or improve on a time set
early in the session.

Timo Glock - 1.44.747 - P23: "Not a great day. We didn’t run much today as we had a lot of technical problems. In the first practice I had a problem on the rear end and couldn’t do much. In the second practice I had an engine problem so I only did about twelve laps and I haven’t been able to do any setup work at all, which is extremely frustrating."

Jérôme D’Ambrosio - 1.44.008 - P22: "I’m happy with my performance today, so it’s a shame that some issues let us down and prevented us from improving further. In particular I wasn’t able to get the best out of my Option tyre run. Hopefully with a better run of luck tomorrow we can get back to where we expected to be."

John Booth, Team principal: "Our race weekend here in China did not get off to the most auspicious
of starts today and to say our day has been less than straightforward
would be something of an understatement. This morning, having waited for
the track condition to improve, when we did finally get our timed runs
underway Timo experienced a mechanical problem. This afternoon, after
just 12 laps, Timo suffered an engine problem which confined him to the
garage for the second half of the session, so he was unable to complete
a soft tyre run and improve his lap time, which is reflected in his
position today. Jérôme had a better afternoon session and was making
good progress but immediately prior to his option tyre run we noted
heavy floor damage. This wasn’t sufficient to prevent him from running,
but it was by no means a representative run. Hopefully we have got all
our bad luck out of the way today and tomorrow will provide a better
reflection of where we stand here."

Mark Gallagher, General Manager, Cosworth F1 Business Unit: "The engine in Timo Glock’s car, Cosworth CA312, suffered a broken
valve in FP2 and is therefore withdrawn from service. This valve
suffered very minor damage as a result of the engine ingesting a metal
fastener from the engine assembly during the Australian Grand Prix
weekend, but the unit was subsequently inspected and returned to the
team prior to Malaysia as a practice-only engine. The failure is not
completely unexpected, therefore, and indeed the engine has completed
352kms since its inspection. FIA-approved modifications have been
implemented to all team engines prior to Malaysia, to avoid a repeat of
this issue."

Lotus Renault GP

Nick Heidfeld and Vitaly Petrov began their Chinese quest today as free practice got underway at the Shanghai International Circuit.

Alan Permane, Chief Engineer: "A fairly typical Friday session for us today – running hard tyres in the first practice session, and both hards and softs in the second, some long running with both cars on high fuel. Very unusual for Nick to have two incidents like that, which put us back a bit but we’ll recover from that tomorrow. There was a little too much understeer on Vitaly’s car in the morning and oversteer on Nick’s car so we had some set-up work to do on both cars and improved things throughout the day. Tyres are performing relatively well, somewhere between the degradation of Melbourne and Malaysia. Track was dusty and dirty, particularly off line, but we expect it to clear up over the weekend."

Nick Heidfeld - 1.38.805 - P8: “Today obviously wasn’t what we wanted, after I spun off in the first session and then again in the second which were both my fault. I hope it’s a good omen because in Malaysia we also didn’t have many laps on the Friday and then we had a good result. Given that I only had five laps in the first session, it was surprising how fast I was, we were both in the top 10. There’s still some more in the car but the gap is a bit bigger than we would have hoped for. As expected, we achieved quicker lap times when using the softs over the hards, and it was good that we managed to use both.”

Vitaly Petrov - 1.38.859 - P9: “We managed to run the whole way through both sessions, and then we were able to work on some directions for set-up so we’re quite happy with that. I think we need to be happy with today, of course not on the pace and the lap time as we can be quite a bit quicker. What is good is that we don’t have any mechanical problems, we can still continue to work and push hard. The option tyres were a big improvement, as usual, with much more grip.”

HRT F1 Cosworth

Hispania Racing went out onto the track at 9:00 am sharp this morning
with the aim of achieving more mileage. Under the grey skies of
Shanghai, both drivers were able to complete a solid morning session.
Liuzzi ran a total of 18 laps posting a best time of 1:44.359, whereas
Karthikeyan completed 23 laps with a best time of 1:45.019. In the
afternoon, Narain did 25 laps and set a best time of 1:42.902. Tonio’s
session was altered by hydraulic problems and was only able to complete
3 laps clocking a fastest time of 1:43.850.

Colin Kolles, Hispania Racing Team Principal: "Today was not a bad day, unfortunately we had some issues and couldn’t run as we wanted but the times look promising. I think we made another step forward in terms of
performance so I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s qualifying."

"Tonio had a hydraulic leak which had to be fixed so we had to take off
the gearbox, the clutch and other things which took up some time, this
was the main reason for the delay. Taking in mind that he was only able
to complete one timed lap in the second session, he did a fantastic

"Narain did a really good job today, he had no issues with his car so
was able to the run the programme according to plan and post a good
time. I think performance-wise there is still room for improvement so
that is promising."

"We are confident ahead of tomorrow’s qualifying where hopefully we can
achieve our target of getting closer to our rivals."

Narain Karthikeyan - 1.42.902 - P20: "Today we tried different set-ups and
got in a reasonable amount of running. We tested out our race set-up as
well so, overall, it was quite a productive day. We will try and take
another step forward tomorrow and see where we can get. I’m happy with
the amount of laps we got under our belts today, apart from my quick
spin towards the end, it was a very good day. Now we must look to
qualify in a good position and aim to finish the race on Sunday."

Vitantonio Liuzzi - 1.43.850 - P21: "We had a productive morning of testing in which we did quite a few laps and everything went according to plan. The car was running fine, we brought some updates which we will be able to use in Turkey so it was a good morning. Unfortunately we had to stop on the last lap because of a hydraulic problem which dragged on into the afternoon where I was only able to do one lap."

"It’s a shame we weren’t able to run more in the afternoon. By doing
more laps we would have got to understand the car a little bit more and
would be better prepared for tomorrow. The time was not bad at all so we
have to be positive coming into tomorrow’s qualifying."


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