Sakhir 2012 - GP Preview - Red Bull Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

18 April 2012 - 09:36
Sakhir 2012 - GP Preview - Red Bull (…)

Mark Webber: We haven’t been to the circuit for two years and the last time we raced on the current track layout was in 2009. We also haven’t been there with Pirelli tyres or the DRS, so it’s going to be interesting to see how those new features go; the ingredients are all there for another exciting Grand Prix. It’s going to be important to understand the tyres quickly and you need good top speed and braking. It’s a hot race, hotter than it was in Australia and Shanghai and more like the temperature in Malaysia. It would be nice to get a podium before we go back to Europe.

Sebastian Vettel: The track requires a lot from the drivers, because the constantly changing character of the corners means you never really get time to settle in to a lap. Also, as the track’s built in the middle of the desert, you have to manage the sand there. It moves with the wind, so it can suddenly appear in new places on the track on each lap – so you’re never quite sure where it will be slippery. For the teams, it’s always a challenge to anticipate the grip levels for the race. In Friday Practice, when the track is still "green", you often require a different set-up than you need for Sunday. Due to the nature of the circuit, the brakes are in high demand.


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