Red Bull’s secret plans for Singapore celebration

"First you have to win the lottery and then you worry about what to do with the winnings"


19 September 2011 - 10:21
Red Bull's secret plans for (…)

A German newspaper has contradicted Red Bull and Sebastian Vettel’s claims that they are not planning to celebrate the world championship this weekend.

Most of the 24-year-old’s rivals think Vettel is heading to a certain title victory, and it could theoretically happen as soon as the chequered flag in Singapore.

But the German driver insists: "I think it’s wrong to plan before something happens. First you have to win the lottery and then you worry about what to do with the winnings."

Red Bull chiefs Christian Horner and Dr Helmut Marko have also denied there are any celebrations being planned for Singapore.

But the Sunday newspaper Bild am Sonntag said Red Bull has arranged for 80 special ’2011 world champion’ caps - one for every member of the travelling team - to be shipped to the Asian city-state in case Vettel wraps up the title.

And the team’s marketing department is reportedly ready to unleash a spontaneous championship-winning party at the Swisshotel Stamford late on Sunday night.


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