Red Bull ’behind me’ for final 2011 goal - Webber

For the number 2 position


27 October 2011 - 10:28
Red Bull 'behind me' for (…)

Mark Webber has admitted he is focused on overtaking his rivals to take second place in the drivers’ world championship.

With the drivers’ and constructors’ titles now both in the bag, Red Bull boss Christian Horner said recently that helping Webber climb from fourth to second is the team’s remaining objective for 2011.

Asked if he is happy to give up wins so that Webber can outscore Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button, world champion Vettel admitted: "Yeah, definitely."

Australian Webber told India’s Mid Day: "The entire team is behind me in support for the number 2 position."

"With the constructor’s title in the bag, and Seb having won the drivers’ title, a Red Bull one-two in the drivers’ championship will be a great achievement and a fantastic way to end the season."

And ahead of 2012, Webber denies he will be under pressure to finally beat Vettel for ultimate spoils.

"Not really," the 35-year-old insisted. "In fact, I think the pressure is on him because he has to defend."


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