Raikkonen keeping cool on Free Practice pace

"It’s the same car we had at the last race"

By Franck Drui

22 March 2013 - 11:44
Raikkonen keeping cool on Free (…)

Second in the morning and fastest in the afternoon, it seems Kimi is picking up where he left of last weekend here in Malaysia. What does it all mean to the Iceman? Have a guess…

You were full of praise for the car after Melbourne; how does it feel here in Sepang?

It’s the same car we had at the last race and we won there so we know it can be fast. We tried changing a few things, made some progress with where we wanted to be at the end of the sessions and it feels just as good as it did in Australia. There was also some running in the wet which you often get around here and the car feels fine in any conditions.

Managing the tyres was one of the key elements of your victory last weekend; will this be a more daunting task in the Malaysian heat?

We didn’t complete a long run this afternoon like we planned because of the rain so it’s hard to say how the tyres will be, but they were ok last time so hopefully it will be the same here.

We’ve seen showers almost as intense as the heat here already; how does the changeable weather affect you in the car?

I don’t really mind about the weather; we can’t change it and it’s the same for everybody. It’s hot when you walk around the paddock, but you don’t notice it so much in the car with all the air coming into the cockpit. Like I said, the car feels good in all conditions so I’m not worried what happens.

So overall a good start to the weekend?

It was a pretty good day and it’s always nice to be fastest, but of course that doesn’t mean it will be the same for the whole weekend. We ran pretty heavy so I don’t know what will happen when everyone is light for qualifying, but I’m happy with where we are and expect we’ll be reasonable tomorrow. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.


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