Raikkonen: Step by step, the results will come...

...but we must push harder to get them"

By Franck Drui

20 May 2014 - 15:38
Raikkonen: Step by step, the results (…)

The Monaco weekend is one the drivers always look forward to more than most, because of everything this Grand Prix entails; history, difficulty and prestige, as well as massive media attention and glamour. Scuderia Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen is no exception and is eager to get on track for what is a truly unique event on the calendar.

“This season especially, with the new generation cars, we can expect it to be particularly exciting,” said the Finn. “These new cars tend to slide easily and in Monaco there’s not much room to drift off line.”

As always, the car plays an important role, but Monaco also highlights a driver’s ability.

“This track is unique, as you have to give your all from the first to the 78th lap. Qualifying can have a big effect on the outcome, an area on which we are doing our utmost to improve. After the last race, we stayed on in Barcelona for the test, which was reasonably positive: we had problems at the start, but by the end, I can say I was pleased with the work we managed to get through. The F14 T is improving and I am sure that, step by step, the results will come, but we must push harder to get them.”

Raikkonen then returned to the topic of Monaco, a Grand Prix with a very special atmosphere.

“The Monaco race is very complicated right from Thursday morning. It will be vital not to lose any time in free practice, trying to do as many laps as possible to quickly get a feel for things in between the barriers. It’s difficult to do well here, but it’s enormously satisfying when you get it right.”


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