Qualifying - Chinese GP report: Red Bull Tag Heuer

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

16 April 2016 - 13:49
Qualifying - Chinese GP report: Red (…)


“Compared to last year we’ve certainly got a bit more from the power unit. We’ve seen the trend in the first couple of races and the deficit hasn’t been as big as last year on the straights but I didn’t expect to be standing here unless it was a wet qualifying. To be front row in the dry is pretty cool. A few people joked saying it’s the haircut so maybe that’s what it is: aerodynamic. The positive is that Niko’s on the Soft and we’re obviously starting on the Super Soft, so the start should be interesting. Hopefully we’ll battle the Ferrari’s for the podium. New or old qualifying system, we seem to be competitive so that’s nice.”


"I’m quite happy with today’s qualifying, P6 is my best qualifying so far this season and I think we have found our rhythm. I think what cost us a little bit of time is I did my best lap on scrubbed set of Options, so I think there is a little more time to be found there. Daniel did a good lap to qualify P2, it’s a good result for the team. It should be an interesting race tomorrow, hopefully we can fight for a podium, but we will see what the race brings."


“An absolutely blistering performance by Daniel, none of us could’ve dreamt of a front row start in the dry at this circuit, so to be lining up on the front row, alongside Rosberg, is probably one of Daniel’s best ever qualifying performances. Dany did a solid job to start on the third row of the grid, another tenth and he would’ve been ahead of the Williams. It was a good team performance today and hopefully we can turn that into a decent race result tomorrow.”


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