Nico Rosberg savors maiden Grand Prix victory

Could this be the start of a glorious Championship year for Mercedes?


15 April 2012 - 15:05
Nico Rosberg savors maiden Grand (…)

After dominating both qualifying and the race, Nico Rosberg has won Mercedes-Benz’s first Grand Prix since the 1955 Italian Grand Prix after finishing 20 seconds ahead of his nearest rival in the Mercedes-powered McLaren of Jenson Button. The German successfully controlled his tyres in a two stop strategy, as Mercedes power filled the podium.

Nico Rosberg’s first Grand Prix win comes on his 111th race start, exactly 111 years after Mercedes’ first win at the 1901 Nice Speed Weeks. As Jenson Button pitted from the lead on lap 40, it became apparent that the British star would have to overtake Rosberg on track if he was to thwart the German driver. That was until the pressure was eased on Rosberg as Button suffered a disastrously slow pit-stop.

With Nico Rosberg out in front as Jenson Button battled with the likes of Romain Grosjean and Sebastian Vettel, the Mercedes driver was left untroubled as he took he first ever victory in a Formula 1 car. Rosberg likened the final 20 laps to the Le Mans 24 Hours’ race, with the Chinese Grand Prix seemingly never-ending for the Mercedes driver.

“This is a very special moment for me. The whole weekend went perfectly. My first pole position, now my first win in Formula One – it really is fantastic.” Explained a jubilant Nico Rosberg, “But it’s not only this; it’s the first win for the new Silver Arrow and for this great team. I will never forget this race, and the last 20 laps felt as long as if I was racing in the Le Mans 24 Hours! But then crossing the line was so intense. We will enjoy this success, but our feet are still on the ground.”

Before the Chinese Grand Prix, the team had only scored one point in the opening two races and Nico Rosberg hadn’t scored any at all. With the success of winning in China, could the 26-year-old hit the ground running and be a title contender 2012?

With Mercedes pioneering the controversial ‘super DRS’ device, they now have the foundations on what could well turn out to be a Championship surge.

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