Montezemolo eyes third Ferrari run by US team

"I dream of a third Ferrari managed by an American team, with the stars and stripes flag"


26 May 2010 - 08:57
Montezemolo eyes third Ferrari run (…)

Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has added weight to recent reports that an American team could soon be a reality in formula one.

In the wake of the USF1 debacle, scepticism accompanied the recent news about a US-based outfit called Cypher Group submitting a "letter of interest" about obtaining the last spot on the 2011 grid.

But a few days later, USF1 backer and YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley’s aide Parris Mullins admitted to Autosport that "I would be lying if I said that I haven’t been exploring other ways of entry into this sport".

"I am part of a project right now that is trying to enter the sport," he added, admitting that he sees a customer car as a viable initial route.

And Montezemolo, who has been pushing hard for a rule change to allow three-car team entries, told Italy’s La Gazzetta dello Sport: "I dream of a third Ferrari managed by an American team, with the stars and stripes flag."


Formula 1 news

