Michael Schumacher fully dedicated again

”I am fully on the schedule with preparations for the new season”

By Franck Drui

24 January 2012 - 17:33
Michael Schumacher fully dedicated again

Michael, how did you spend your winter break?

As always, we have been in the snow with the family and were enjoying the winter time. We just like to be in the mountains, it is cozy on one hand and at the same time you can be active in many different ways.

When did you start with your training regime again?

I deliberately had a break mid-december when I nearly didn’t do anything. But since the week after christmas I am in my daily schedule again, and I think I would not have made it longer without. My feeling is that the timing was perfectly right as I am totally on schedule. Saying that, I think the time until we can finally get back into the car is really long this year. My anticipation is growing with every day that is passing; and I am starting to become a bit impatient about it.

So what are you expecting from the season ahead?

It would be much too early to speak about any kind of forecast now. We have seen prior to last season that the truth is only on the pitch, as they say in football. The exprience from last year shows that you cannot judge the situation properly even after the test days in february. That’s why this year I really want to wait until after the first races. What I can say in any case is that all our programms go on full gear, that back in the factory there is no wheel not turning, that we all are working hard in preparation of the new season – and that I cannot wait to get it started.

Source : Schumacher’s official website


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