Mallya to let Sutil know 2012 driver decision

"If he wants an early decision I will give it to him"


28 October 2011 - 07:10
Mallya to let Sutil know 2012 driver (…)

Vijay Mallya has promised to speed up his decision about Force India’s 2012 lineup.

Long-time team regular Adrian Sutil has expressed concern at growing speculation that Friday driver Nico Hulkenberg will move up to be Paul di Resta’s teammate next season.

But boss Mallya has insisted until now that he will only announce Force India’s next lineup in mid December.

"I speak to my drivers first before media and if he (Sutil) wants an early decision I will give it to him," he is quoted by the Press Trust of India.

"Media has always criticised me that I can’t do anything but results are there for everyone to see and I don’t need to explain anything to anyone," he added.


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